YouTube Has Nearly Demonetized Me ENTIRELY & Other Independent Medias Are Facing The Same...

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So many of you may know already that I have put a lot of my eggs in Steemit as the potential is incredible and it's already helped me afford trips to places like Las Vegas to cover Freedom Fest.


Liquid money that's not invested in something like STEEM or Bitcoin is important to being able to eat and YouTube has officially demonetized nearly all of my videos so I cannot continue making money off of advertisement. This is a MASSIVE hit to my media.

And it's not just happening to me, it's happening to @LukeWeAreChange and @PressForTruth as well!

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A look at the attacks on We Are Change

While YouTube is a private company and people agree to the terms of service, they are hugely affecting their shareholders.

This is allegedly due to things like ISIS videos being posted and advertisers not wanting to give them money (for good reason) and therefor, I put up a video on pensions and I get put in the same category.

Of course there's something bigger going on though and we all know it even if we aren't admitting it. The establishment is trying to stifle independent media as their main propaganda line (other than the public school system) mainstream media is crashing and burning. Mainstream media currently holds a 6% trust rating. The establishment is using political correctness to gain censorship popularity and labeling everything that doesn't follow the official narrative "white supremacy", "bigotry" or "hatespeech" even if the message has no race context and calls for peace and individual freedom. This has gotten insane!

There's an information war going on and we are winning but the powers that be are desperate to shut us up. This is a sign that we're doing something right, but it's still a sign that we have some murky water to tread through ahead!

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Yes, Steemit is a great example of taking down Facebook, but from a marketing perspective, we still have to operate outside of our bubble and using a different video site that only people that think like us use won't exactly do the job. We have to be able to use their infrastructure against them in order to reach those who are completely unaware of what's going on. YouTube has been integral to waking up people who believe everything they hear on TV or from different politicians.

The thing is, I work 18 hours a day every single day to put out information, interview incredible names and bring people the content they deserve and this is hurting me, a lot.

I can't do it without you! As I get vastly demonetized, I have to depend on the viewers out there that wish to support my work!

So below I'm going to lay out ways to help support me. I don't like asking for money but it's the only way I can continue at this moment to bring people content. I need to eat after all!

You can help me by:

*Donating to my GoFundMe here:

*Pledging to my Patreon:

*Donating to my PayPal:

*Donating via interac: (Josh Sigurdson)

*Donating to my Bitcoin:



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*And of course Upvoting this post!

This is going to be a difficult bumpy road ahead but with the help of the viewer and reader, you can help turn the state propaganda on its head and help bring truth in information to the populace!

We will continue stepping up our game going forward and we will NEVER give up!

Thank you!

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