Will Ross Ulbricht Be FREED? - Lyn Ulbricht Breaks Down The Latest News

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In this video, I talk with Lyn Ulbricht, mother of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht regarding the most recent news in his case and imprisonment.

Ross allegedly ran The Silk Road, a site that allowed individuals to freely interact on the market, restricted involuntary uses of force and aggression, but allowed individuals to sell contraband. No one was hurt by the website, though some people did attempt to do terrible things on the platform. Ross was blamed for what other people did and was arrested as some type of "kingpin" at the age of 26 and sentenced to 2 life sentences plus 40 years, an unheard of sentence for a peaceful individualist.

Lyn explains the recent denial by the Supreme Court of his petition, the recently dropped charges against Ross, the massive petition going viral to have him freed (which you can find linked below as well as in the comments) and Lyn's message to President Donald Trump.

Lyn is pleading with Trump to commute Ross' sentence as he has hurt no one and is being unjustly imprisoned.

Individuals need to step up and stand up for Ross. It's an issue of conscience. By the same logic that Ross was locked up for, you may as well lock up the creator of the internet for what individuals have done online over the years. You may as well lock up all landlords where tenants sold contraband out of their apartments. Where does one draw the line? It's absurd and draconian.

The Free Ross petition continues to gain steam as it's obvious to most anyone that there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever that Ross should be locked away, not to mention longer than some of the sickest, most horrible people committing the most horrible crimes.

See the FULL video interview here:

See FreeRoss.org for more info and please sign the petition here:


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