Venezuela is currently experiencing one of its worst moments, Venezuelans facing a severe humanitarian, social and political crisis, which has made life in the country an impossible task. Thousands of people flee from Venezuela to find a better future, in search of lands that can provide them with a better quality of life, thus begins the worst of the exoduses in the old "country of opportunities" where thousands of Latin American and European foreigners migrated in Look for stability, but now that's a thing of the past.


This was the tragedy that lived a group of Venezuelans, desperate to get out of the misery that lives in their country, desperate to escape a totalitarian government that has submerged the people of Venezuela in a total chaos of despair and suffering.

A group of 30 people departed from San Jose de la Costa, Falcon State on a raft, bound for Curacao, crossing about 70km of the Caribbean Sea, this being the closest point between both countries. With all the style of escape that could only be seen in countries like Cuba, these people between the ages of 18 and 33 embarked on their dangerous journey, throwing themselves into the sea on Tuesday, January 9 of this year at night, but what none of these young people he imagined was that his desperate adventure in search of a better life would become an encounter with death.

On Wednesday, the group of people shipwrecked on rocks near the coast of Curaçao, where after a few hours the Caribbean Sea threw in Koraal Topak 4 bodies without life, corresponding to Danny José Sánchez Piña, 33 years old; Joselyn Piña (24), her sister; Oliver Cuahuromatt Velásquez (33) and Janaury Guadalupe Jiménez Chirinos (18). Five of them were detained by the authorities of Curaçao, two of them remain hospitalized in a health center due to the injuries they suffered, while 11 people are in hiding for having illegally entered the island. In this way there are 10 missing without knowing if they have died or managed to hide on the island.

Some of the deceased, before throwing themselves into the sea, declared the following: Danny José Sánchez Piña "Take care of my daughters, I love them, everything will be fine, do not get sad". While the 18-year-old Janaury Guadalupe Jiménez Chirinos said before leaving "I can not sit idly by watching my family go hungry and needs."

This is the sad story that lives Venezuela every day, millions of Venezuelans try to leave the country, but many of them end up losing their lives while trying to find their freedom.

(Photo of some of the 30 people before setting sail for their worst nightmare)

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