Same NWO war machine just another day!

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I feel like I live in an ongoing episode of "Ground Hog Day", and I'm not to happy with ongoing US/Europe politics. Seems like every week there is a new political scam from fake Russia collusion, to obvious setups with UK chemical attacks to Syria war drums beating.

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As a former combat veteran I was unfortunate to see some of these wag the dog events up close and personal. The misuse, and use of lies in order to deploy people for military action. Then there is the other deceivers who say no war, and yet still wage it all around the world using covert actions, and special operations like the "war on drugs" and drone warfare who kill everyone with a radius of the strike zone.

I mean come on; with Russia and USA saying they are leaving Syria and then everything happens like clock work keeping everyone engaged and moving towards war. The bankers must see massive $$$ signs every time bombs are dropped.

Seems like these war mongers just want to drop bigger and stronger forms of ordinance. 

Anyway that was my rant.


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