Tears for Orlando, again...

Todays shooting was just a mile or two from my home, and I heard about it on my way to an office job.

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Sadly I worried (not for the first time) what if someone in my office got disgruntled and came shooting? I thought about it a few time the last time I worked in an office building too. I would think about what I would do, where I would hide how terrible it would be, would I survive?

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I can't even imagine the fear that went through those poor people today. The best I can hope for is that they did not have time to feel that fear.

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It is so sad and scary what this world is coming too. I know this kind of thing is not new, but it sure seems to be happening more and more often. It seems a lot of people these days are less tolerant, quicker to anger and just lacking sympathy AND empathy. But how do we change that? How do we bring back some love and caring into this world?

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I wish I had the answers.

I know what happened at PULSE was a different kind of terrible thing, but it was also in my town. It was a place I had got to a few time, it was a place I had fond memories of. I imagined myself being there, having so much fun and then bullets flying and horror all around.

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(photo credit Walter on Flickr)

It is a wonder I can leave my house. I would consider moving but really is anyplace safe anymore? All I can do is pray...pray that neither I or anyone I love is ever in that situation. Pray that NO ONE else ever again be in that situation. And lastly pray that if any of us are, and its our time, that it happen so fast there is no pain or fear.

Stay safe out there everyone..


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