Cell addiction

Although it may seem exaggerated, there are many types of infected people who can suffer physical and psychological problems such as anxiety, heart palpitations and worries when they forget their mobile phone at home, their prepaid card stays at zero, they are left without coverage or without a battery.

It is clear that there are many advantages in the use of the mobile phone, for example, to call home when I am going to be late, when I notice to say that I would like to study at Lucia's house, but many users have to start thinking if not It will be turning into authentic "mobile-dependents", not being able to spend a minute with your phone.
In addition, advertising is especially aimed at boys and girls like you, and allows you to integrate it into a group, strengthen ties with friends, but why? ? ...

We have many questions. What is this addiction? Why can it happen to us? What people can be addicted?

What is mobile addiction?
Every day, millions of SMS messages are sent all over the world, everywhere we hear sounds of ringtones and melodies constantly, and almost anywhere: restaurants, the supermarket queue, the institute, the park, etc. and we see many people hooked to their faithful mobile phone in order to be continuously communicated. It can be worn up to the neck! The mobile is very important in our lives, OR NOT ??

In the same way that occurs in other types of addictions, the use of the mobile becomes an addiction when it becomes a repetitive behavior that gives us pleasure. It has come to be called "Telefonitis" and is an impulse that can not be controlled by using the phone again and again during the day or night.

For the first time, it begins to talk about the new technologies have become part of the so-called psychological addictions or addictions without drugs.

According to experts, mobile addiction is suffered by 1 in every 1,000 people who use their mobile phone, and they say it is affecting mainly young people and teenagers. It is for this reason, why it is important that, each and every one of you, know what is this mobile addiction, and know the answers to those questions we did at the beginning to avoid it.

Unlike other addictions, such as alcoholism or addiction to gambling (pathological gambling), etc. the age at which it begins is very low, since eleven or twelve years, it is very easy to have a mobile, there are even mobile phones especially for children with drawings for them, and also parents feel confident that their child / a has a mobile phone to call any emergency. And this is not bad !!!!

The problem begins when it is abused
Therefore, it is not a problem of taking a substance, such as the drug, but the problem is BEHAVIOR.
An irrepressible, uncontrollable and exaggerated behavior that makes us stop other activities, such as reading, the conversation of you to you with our family, our friends, neighbors, etc ...

The adolescents, the great protagonists
A population especially affected by this addiction are adolescents. The idea of ​​"leisure and free time" seems to be linked to the mobile phone and it seems unthinkable that a teenager does not have this object.

Adolescence is a great moment of change (You have already noticed something, Truth ?!): many doubts arise now: who am I? What will I be when I grow up? Why do all these physical changes happen to me? Why do I find that my parents sometimes do not understand me? Do not

I like my body and they will reject me because I'm chubby or I'm short, how can I change it? Why am I not as cool as my friend Pepe? and, above, my parents do not have time to take care of me ....

It is a time in which the reference points change, it is very normal to begin to produce distance and lack of communication with parents: "... I'm not going to ask for help, I'd better ask my friend know more ... "and when you have a doubt, you may not choose the best source of information to clarify it.

And all this confusion at this time in the life of each one of us, makes teenagers the target of the big advertising companies to try to convince them of all their messages. Some are good, but many others only respond to their own economic interests. And we know that even for adults it is easy to differentiate them!

How mobile addiction is generated
For a person to become addicted, it is enough for him to be a person who has emotional problems, with difficulties to talk with others, or who is in a difficult time in his life, as is the case of Adolescence in which It is especially vulnerable to the multiple claims that invade advertising and, in many cases, are not true !!!, such as, for example, that it is fashionable to lose weight, to tie oneself to video games, to buy endless products and products and, of course! , Have the latest mobile model as soon as possible !!!

All this will make a large number of people fall victims of mobile dependence and, therefore will become addicted. And then, the addiction will cause the person to deviate from their family environment, from their friends, arriving at a great emotional suffering.

How we recognize an addicted person
In front of the people who use the mobile in an appropriate way, in people with addiction we will be able to see how they are continuously "watching" the device, always waiting for any signal coming from their device; every very little time, in a compulsive and uncontrolled way, consulting the mobile, even if it is doing something else.

Other recent studies have shown that people "addicted" who stop using their cell phones, have as a consequence what can be called the "Psychological and Physical Withdrawal Syndrome".
This syndrome has symptoms such as great anguish, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, etc. And all this disappears when, again, they have the opportunity to use their mobile.

Surely you will have observed, in your own group of friends, the image of gangs of boys walking together, but each one speaking through his cell phone or sending a text message at a dizzying speed, ... thousands of messages are sent per day .

Some affirm "to dedicate all their free time" to handle the mobile. It is very common to find teenagers and children "typing" for minutes and minutes, ... or playing a videogame, ... or communicating with strangers, ... or taking pictures and videos to hang them on the Internet, ... Using your mobile phone at all times: home, in the classroom, between class and class, with friends, ... can not be separated from the mobile. They consider that without the mobile they could not have friends. They relate it to "being more important". They believe their use is "mandatory". They take pictures constantly. Videos are exchanged at all hours. They send messages and hear music during all their free time. They can not spend 5 minutes without checking if there is a missed call.

And, what is all this? Indeed, a compulsive and repetitive use of the mobile phone, which in many moments makes no sense.
If you are going to see a friend after five minutes, would it make sense to call him to say "Hey, Manolo, I have 4 and a half minutes to see you"?

And then, there's the economic issue. Many boys and girls spend a large sum of money each month on the use of mobile phones, and large telecommunications companies, who know it, take advantage ...

Behind this, there are often problems of self-esteem or insecurity, difficulty in relationships with other people, isolation, loneliness and other emotional factors.

Effects of Mobile Addiction
There are many effects of addiction, and those that are most evident are:

1-Isolation of others and loneliness.
2-Altered behavior.
3-Alterations of the state of mind.
4-Compulsive behavior.
5-Communication problems.
6-Problems with language, because we do not stop to write well, but the important thing is speed.
7-Danger of making contacts not too good as meet strangers, which can bring negative consequences.
8-Addictive behavior is very sensitive to the judgments and assessments of others and increases feelings of insecurity.
9-It can be school failure or aggression.
10-In the most serious cases, you can get to steal and lie to have a mobile because the addiction is able to cancel all our control as people.

In some children, school absenteeism is also produced or they do not respect study schedules, they spend hours chatting instead of interacting with other young people of their age.

So far, we are already clear about what is Mobile Addiction, and now ...
How can we know if we are addicted or not?
You will start to feel stress, irritability, tiredness, sleep disturbances and emotional disturbances.

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