Trump signs Executive order Mass Arrests for DEEP STATE

Trump Signs Sweeping Executive Order Clearing Path For Mass “Deep State” Arrests By US Military

An interesting new report circulating prepared by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) states that within a few hours of its being revealed that the American shadow government “Deep State” had established its own “shadow” National Security Council, it was quickly retaliated against by President Donald Trump with his 1 March signing of a sweeping Executive Order making the most significant changes to the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ) since the Military Justice Act Of 1983—and whose most significant change authorizes, for the first time in history, experienced civilians to take part in the US Military court-martial process—thus clearing a path for mass “Deep State” arrests whose trials and sentencing would not impact the normal flow of the US Military justice system

With the United States having been at war over 93% (224 out of 242 years) of its existence since its founding in 1776, this report notes, the masses of American people today (unlike their ancestors) have no idea that nearly everyone of them fall under the criminal provisions of the Manual For Courts-Martial United States—and that begins with their Selective Service laws allowing civilians to be taken from their homes and forced into uniform, whether willing or not—and that the US Supreme Court has ruled makes these civilians subject to court-martial from the time they are supposed to report for induction, even if they never arrive.

Equally unknown to the masses of the American people, this report says, is that nearly every single citizen between 17-44 years-of-age likewise fall under the criminal provisions of the Manual For Courts-Martial United States as under US Code 10-311 they all constitute both the organized and unorganized militia—thus making them all, in essence, members of the US military whether they know it or not.

To making every single American citizen, regardless of age, subject to the criminal provisions of the Manual For Courts-Martial United States, this report says it’s critical to note, is a power invested in only President Trump—who in time of war, as the Commander-In-Chief, has the sole authority to determine what constitutes a threat and what should be done about it—with the US Supreme Court having, also, ruled that “war” is defined by the aggregation of US military forces in foreign countries, not necessarily one declared by the US Congress—and whose standard is met by the US Military having nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories around the world.

As to how President Trump will wield his unlimited war powers against these “Deep State” coup plotters, this report continues, his just signed sweeping Executive Order details in full—with its main emphasis being on authorizing the use of civilian employees experienced in the prosecution or defense of complex criminal cases to provide assistance to, and consult with, less experienced judge advocates throughout the entire Manual For Courts-Martial United States process, thereby allowing the US Military services to outsource a core competency of the judge advocate communities—and whose only explanation for being needed would be the sudden and rapid rise dissident American citizens entering into the courts-martial process in the thousands, if not tens-of-thousands.

With President Abraham Lincoln being the last American war leader to arrest and put under US Military control for courts-martial tens-of-thousands of civilian dissidents, this report concludes, President Trump’s joking at a dinner last night that China’s “president for life plan is a great idea that could happen in the US some day”—when viewed in the light of his sweeping Executive Order—should be understood with its containing as much steel as it does mirth—especially with it being known that he plans to enact these new laws on 1 January 2019—which is the date that a new US Congress will be sworn in, and whom might contain a majority of his “Deep State” coup plotting enemies sworn to throwing him out office.

“In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake, but by what you finally accomplish.” President Donald Trump

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