At present, the increasing evolution that surrounds the world pushes us to discover, to explore as it was the beginning of humanity, its great finds in all matters, Sciences, Education, Technology, Sport, among others, for this reason, man Has always had the need to coordinate activities, make decisions and carry them out, the Egyptians directed large numbers of people, both for their location in the established regions, and for food, this in turn allowed them to achieve different goals. As it was to govern different cities and win big wars.

In such a way great men scholars of the administrative area, as they are: Frederick Taylor followed by: Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Henry L. Gantt, Harrington Emerson, Henri Fayol, Wilfrido Pareto, Hugo Munsterberg, Walter Dill Scott, Max Weber, Abraham Maslow , Oliver Sheldon, Michael Porter, Peter F. Drucker, Gary S. Becker, Stephen R. Cove, Michael S. Dell, John P. Kotter, Sumantra Gosha, James McGregor Burns, Frederick Herzberg, Douglas Mac Gregor, Chris Arhirys, Rensis Likert, David Mac Clelland, among others. They succeeded in establishing different theories, analyzes, projects, which have boosted the growth of large organizations.

The different authors who managed to give depth, transformation and ideas to administrative studies, are the pioneers in the establishment and creation of social structures today, thanks to these investigations we have the opportunity to adapt to the different tactics that allow the achievement of different purposes . Since it is not the same ideologies or contexts that have been presented, although in essence are the same needs, so there is an evolution throughout the history of humanity that has allowed large organizations to achieve one hundred percent your success.

These studies establish four phases of the administrative process that represent a significant support in the formation of a company, if one of these elements is missing or is given less attention, the common objective will not be achieved, that is, it would not function properly, and Achieve the conformation of the social structure that will provide benefits to internal and external audiences.

The first element is the planning that is the action that allows us to prepare in advance the goals and actions based on some method, thus achieving the achievement of objectives, mission, vision, among others. It consists of setting the concrete course of action to be followed, establishing the principles that will guide it, the sequence of operations to perform it, and the determination of times.

The second is the organization. Through it the system establishes the division of labor and the structure necessary for its operation. It is the act of arranging and coordinating available resources. It operates through standards and databases that have been set up for these purposes.

The third is the direction, is the element that allows through the administrator to achieve what is planned through the authority, delegation of functions and decisions made by him. Using communication, supervision and motivation as tools.

The fourth is control, a process that allows to verify the performance of different areas or functions of an organization, that is, to ensure that everything is carried out as planned, to measure and to correct the performance of the internal staff to achieve the objectives Of the organization are reached.

In this sense, they are established according to various needs encountered throughout the development of their studies and the constant evolution of technologies, include a certain process that helps or encourages the effective execution of the plan that has been presented to the company.

For this reason the so-called GIS, Management Information Systems, are created as a result of the interaction of people in a collaborative way, and the evolution that currently maintains the different technologies that move the world. This system is used to simplify the different systems of support and decision making, the different applications of personnel management, project management, database recovery and pillar business training which is fundamental in achieving the objectives that have Been established.

GIS are indispensable to support, help the four administrative functions, planning, organization, direction and control are necessary to achieve excellent organizational performance.

According to the data provided, since I consider that we were given to perform the test a pyramid of information, applying the knowledge obtained I can establish the following:

The company Bacatà C.A established in Guadalajara 35 years ago shows us how, over the years it has founded, its t! to open a new headquarters in Jalisco, trying to establish themselves as the best model in its kind. However, with the evolution implemented, at present, in all the senses, its shareholders want to instill different values ​​and benefits to all those people who provide services in its facilities, since this action would achieve the common welfare of all involved in the Mexican company, each and every one of the people that make up the human capital, uniting efforts and fully complying with the administrative process have achieved day to day growth and stay in the current market that is of utmost demand for all entrepreneurs. It is here that we evidence an act of public relations. The shareholders of the Mexican company at its last meeting established these new bi-directional benefits which managed to introduce to the market products of high quality and quantity, providing training and improvements in human quality, since the company had neglected to take care of only its growth And development in the current market. This new strategy that they want to implement in the Mexican company, is the most successful since human capital is the fundamental basis for the evolution of any organization, but they provide good benefits to employees in order to meet their needs, these deteriorate the quality Of service they provide. It is important to recognize that, because of the long trajectory that the company has achieved after its foundation, great teamwork has allowed them to maintain a sense of belonging to everyone, since if there is no motivation, employees fall into The elaboration of their tasks. In addition, with the accelerated pace of life that moves the world, not providing training to your human capital demeans the image projected to the external public and does not increase the sense of belonging of the internal public, for this reason, the implementation of new technologies and systems In every organization is fundamental to achieve the success that each company wants, and even more Bacatà that from its beginnings was established as a small company that over time was growing into a corporation. At present all the people that we maintain employer-employee relationship require that our hours of performance are well remunerated, with good benefits, bearing in mind that many companies are guided by the established by the government of each country. As long as the quality of treatment and improvements in dividends are improved towards the entire conglomerate that forms the different social structures today, that quality and quantity required will be delivered to the date that is required in order to comply with the established. For these reasons, we must all be on a par with technological, communication, administrative and other innovations, since this is what allows the development, growth and strengthening of all the organizations immersed in the world today.

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