Manchester Arena Bombing Terror Attack And The Number "22"


I thought I should take a moment and point out the more obvious esoteric symbolisms of the Manchester Arena bombing terror attack:

Ariana Grande means "The Great Holy One".

The attack happened at "Trinity Way".

22 people killed on the 22 day of the month.

  • The Hebrew alphabet is made up of 22 letters, which are used to compose the Word of God.
  • There are twenty-two books in the Aaronic (Levitical) Old Testament, which is the light of God for Israel.
  • There are twenty-two generations from Adam to Jacob. When Moses raised up the tabernacle of God there were exactly 22,000 Levites consecrated to serve. 
  • Light is used twenty-two times in the Gospel of John. The 22nd time John uses the word, he quotes Jesus: "I have come as a light into the world . . ." (John 12:46). 
  • 22 is the number of the Spiritual Master Builder on the Material plane. 
  • The number twenty-two is symbolized by a cube or square which in turn represent the earth, the physical plane. It also represents the foundations that have been built during earlier stages. And so the 22 is connected with manifestation at the end of a cycle. 
  • 22 is also the Number of Revelation. In the 22nd chapter Gospel of John, Christ identifies himself as the Alpha and Omega, which would be the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, Aleph and Tav. 
  • The Number 22 unites the entire body of Scripture and is also the numerical value for the Hebrew word Yachad, meaning unite. 
  • Number 22 is the number of power and accomplishment, and its symbol is the Cross. Its keywords are Light, co-operation and harmony, and wherever the vibration is found there is the opportunity to co-operate with God’s plan on earth.

Nothing happens without a reason.

Written by: Angelus Domini, Regent Ecumenical Order of Christ

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