"The Sanctions are Working" in Iran to Starve the Civilians, Trump Lawyer Admits & US Announces New Sanction Plan for Syria

"The sanctions are working," Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani stated in late September - successfully targeting the civilian population, ruining the Iran economy & starving the people. Now they are imposing more sanctions.

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If we are to believe the MSM presstitute media & US/Israeli government spokespeople, Iran is the biggest baddest boogeyman on earth, a brutal regime oppressing it own citizens, the #1 sponsor of terrorism in the world, and a terrible nuclear threat to world peace & safety. So what does the Trump Administration do about it?

First, withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal which Iran was fully adhering to and which had been successfully ensuring the regime didn't obtain a nuke. Second, threaten to reimpose economic sanctions on the country, which would end up hurting the civilian population the most as opposed to the regime. Third, threaten to attack Iran for threatening to defend its citizens from this threatened act of war. Yes, economic sanctions are an act of war which target and hurt the civilian population rather than the regime, as the case of both Syria and pre-2015 Iran have well shown.

Fourth, impose said economic sanctions which target & oppress the poor Iranian civilians allegedly being oppressed by the evil Iranian government regime, in order to protect them from the evil regime oppression, and also vow to block all of Iran's oil exports, together sending the Iranian economy and civilian quality of life to the pits. Makes perfect sense, right?

And just as important in this fight against the "#1 sponsor of terrorism in the world" is the continued funding of the White Helmet terrorists and support of al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria to keep Iran and its proxy terrorists in check. You know, fight terror with terror, oppression with oppression and neutralize a nuclear threat by withdrawing from the only agreement keeping them from becoming a nuclear threat.

Then publicly announce that the sanction program is successfully working to achieve its intended purpose of bringing the Iranian currency to nothing while starving the Iranian civilian population in order to create the conditions which lead to revolution - not revolution against the government causing the oppression inciting the revolution though, but rather against the government trying to protect its people from the government causing the oppression. Below is the relevant quote from Rudy Giuliani candidly talking about the success of US sanctions currently destroying the Iranian currency and starving innocent civilians:

The protests are getting worse. I don't know when we are going to overthrow them...but it's gonna happen, they are going to be overthrown. The sanctions are working, the currency is going to nothing. We see signs of young men and women saying, "give me some food!" We saw a sign of a man trying to sell his internal organs for 500 American dollars, probably a fortune in Iran today. These are the kinds of conditions which lead to successful revolution. - Rudy Giuliani, during a speech at the 2018 Iran Uprising Summit in Manhattan, New York, September 22, 2018

It's all just an acceptable sacrifice for the noble foreign policy goal of regime change in Iran - regime change the US is officially not seeking and which is not at all current US foreign policy. That's right, US foreign policy is starving the same Iranian civilians it seeks to free from oppression in order to facilitate a regime change it isn't even seeking - if anyone is to believe that.

The following 3-minute video compilation by @tlavagabond exposes the US propaganda, lies, and the true agenda for regime change in Iran (the relevant comment "the sanctions are working" can be heard @ min. 1:30):

Don't forget to send your minions out to deny the stated plan and assure the masses the US really isn't seeking regime change after all, even though your previous words and current actions expose you, and then keep moving forward with the plan of course, which for starters includes more sanctions which will cause more innocent civilians to suffer.

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(Screenshot: NBC News)

Just on Tuesday the US announced its new plan to further punish Iran (and Russia) for fighting US/Israeli-backed terrorism in Syria, which includes imposing sanctions on Russian and Iranian companies which are helping to re-build the tattered infrastructure in the war-torn country.

According to NBC:

The plan would emphasize political and diplomatic efforts to force Iran out of Syria by squeezing it financially. It would withhold reconstruction aid from areas where Iranian and Russian forces are present, according to three people familiar with the plan. The U.S. would also impose sanctions on Russian and Iranian companies working on reconstruction in Syria.

That's right, in the name of fighting the evil terrorist-sponsor Iran, we're not only going to withhold US reconstruction aid from Syria until Iranian forces get out, we're also going to punish the companies actively helping to repair the immense damage caused by a brutal war of aggression against Syria and the Syrian people waged by radical terrorists we both armed and funded. That's America, engineering another plan which will end up hurting innocent civilians far more than the regime it claims to be targeting, and in this case it will largely be Syrian civilians feeling the bulk of the negative sanction effects officially aimed at punishing Iran and forcing them out of Syria; likely costing Iranians jobs and most definitely punishing the millions of Syrian refugees and internally displaced civilians in the country who just want to return to their homes in peace.

I guess America can't allow those pesky Russians and Iranians to help re-build Syrian infrastructure without interference; otherwise Syria would continue to quickly re-stabilize and Syrian civilians who have suffered through seven years of bitter war could get back to living regular lives in relative peace with homes and basic services and such. Don't forget, these are the same Syrian civilians Trump cares so much about that he'll strike Assad with over 100 missiles for allegedly gassing a few dozen of them even without any evidence of the alleged crime, but now he wants to punish anyone helping them rebuild their destroyed homes and businesses. I guess it's not at all about helping the suffering Syrian or Iranian people after all...

In Syria, just like with Iran, there is the official reason the US is at war there and the real reasons, with a defense official quoted in the same referenced NBC article admitting as much:

A defense official said under the new plan the military would continue to talk about the mission in Syria as counter-ISIS, downplaying the fight against Iran, while the White House and State Department would increase their focus on countering Iran by squeezing them economically and diplomatically.

So the US military will continue to pretend its objective is fighting ISIS (which we have armed & supported in the past) while downplaying the fight against Iran which is admittedly the real reason we're involved and why Trump isn't withdrawing US troops from Syria as previously promised. But just like with Iran, officially the plan still "does not call for Syrian President Bashar al Assad to step aside," even though from the very beginning of the so-called Syrian civil war seven years ago, the openly stated goal of the US-backed rebels, terrorists and opposition groups was the overthrow of President Assad and regime change in Syria.

It really isn't that hard to see the US is actively seeking regime change in both Syria and Iran, as it has been doing for decades, and that US intervention in Syria was always a stepping stone to taking out Iran. Now that they are still failing to achieve their goals after seven years of intervention in Syria, they are turning up the heat on both Syria and Iran at the same time. Don't be fooled: They aim to both take out Assad and force regime change in Tehran, and they are doing everything in their power to make it happen, including starving innocent Iranians and further punishing innocent Syrians.

Time will tell if this new approach is any more effective than the last approach, but considering seven long years of foreign-backed terrorism wreaking havoc on the Syrian population was ineffective, it is doubtful a few more sanctions are going to turn the people against their president (Assad) or push Iranian forces out of the country. After all, Iran knows quite well that if they withdraw their fighters and Syria falls, Tehran is next. The Iranians know Syria is a stepping stone for the Zionist Empire on its way to destabilizing and toppling their regime, and that their presence there is helping to prevent the collapse of Syria, and therefore they won't be leaving any time soon. At this rate, direct clashes between US troops and Iranian or Syrian soldiers may well be inevitable.

U.S. defense officials worry the increased focus on Iran and the presence of both militaries in Syria could pull the U.S. military closer into conflict. - NBC News

The moral of the story? Unless it is stopped, the US Empire will continue to do what it has always done, the War Machine will continue to march forward sacrificing innocent life for more geopolitical control, and meanwhile even warmongering political snakes sometimes tell the truth.
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Sadly, the sanctions on Iran are but one example of far too many where the US has chosen to starve innocent civilian lives when it could be saving them - read all about it in my last post -
They Could Save the Planet, Why do They Choose to Starve it?: https://steemit.com/truth/@jasonliberty/they-could-save-the-planet-why-do-they-choose-to-starve-it-the-right-question-gets-you-half-way-to-the-right-answer

Thanks for checking out my post & if you appreciate the content, please feel free to upvote & share. Have a great day everyone. Peace.

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