pak usa join team will make tention for india

Dr. Rajiv Shah, administrator of the United States and Pakistan agree to reduce tensions, diplomatic, political and military contacts. According to details, the last r s American Vice President in which they contacted the Pakistani caretaker Prime Minister Nasir-UL-Mulk tilifonk from this designation was congratulated on the occasion, the American Vice President and Pakistani caretaker Prime Minister Nasir-UL-Mulk drmiansfarta relations between the two countries, Afghan form The case was regarding operations against the terrorists in the region, and discussed. Nasir-UL-Mulk, timely and transparent elections in Pakistan, American Vice President of the provisional Government from the determination

Aware of. Pakistan's highest civilian official American Vice President of the American Foreign Minister, before talking to Mike pompo Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, speaking by telephone from the Afghan reconciliation process and the ongoing war against the Taliban for the Afghan Government in overseas Exchange related fire Eid u What al. Army Chief to the Afghan reintegration reiterate vow Pakistan's role for peace in Afghanistan, while contributing to every possible assured. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft with the Army Chief has also contacted. According to ISPR BG appreciated the role of Pakistan army in the anti-polio campaign in Pakistan. For the complete eradication of polio in Pakistan Army Chief Bill Gates about the commitment of the Pakistan army. Private tv reported the day before the diplomatic tensions between the two countries in the political oaskari Pakistan-us contacts have been agreed to. Restrictions on both sides to reduce tensions step will be warkm. Us sources said Pakistani diplomats in response to Pakistan, which will ease the restrictions soon paid the American diplomats will be in پرپابندیوں.

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