Three Types of Humans at the End of the Age

IN general, humans are divided into three groups in addressing the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad concerning the events of the end of time.

First: A group that has faith and is sure of all that is promised by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam about the near destruction of the universe (doomsday), which is all preceded by small and large signs that precede it. This group is divided into three:

  1. Those who receive the texts are what they are, where their attitude towards the texts about the prophecy of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam is limited to narrating and translating without the need to actualize the times and conditions in which they live.

  2. Those who receive these texts with full confidence, but are overreaching in translating and actualizing it. This group made the dha'if hadiths even maudhu to support their thoughts. This group also uses a lot of khabar-khabar israiliyat, even the commentaries of the experts of the book which they themselves do not believe in the religion of al still. Including those who predicted the 2012 doomsday phenomenon.

  3. The group that receives these texts with full confidence, that all of that is true of the prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, they try to take the correct position of the hadiths proportionally, not too rigid as the first group, but not also too extreme as the second group. This group is trying to make all the prophetic texts as the basis of life, so that every step they are not mistaken, they also always find out about the true nature of slanderous hadiths with the intention that they survive the slander without making certain certifications on things. things that have not been qath'i.

Second: Those who do not care about texts about the events of the end times and do not study them because they are considered less realistic and not their time. This group is divided into two:

  1. Those who were born by a group of scientists / scholars who struggled with the world of science and research. They regionalize the hadiths about the end of time and only want to accept what is acceptable to reason, some of them make vanity requirements for the validity of the hadiths (such as must be mutawatir and not ahad). This group is dominated by rationalist groups and also secular, but it does not rule out the possibility that some of them are paid people of the enemies of Islam who aim to cast doubt about the promise of the victory of Islam in the end times.

  2. Those who generally include Muslims who have no concern for the science of syar'i, have never studied matters of faith except to the extent of the pillars of faith. This group has never heard the terms about slander at the end of time, does not know the dajjal, does not understand what slander is duhaima ’prophet isa as, imam mahdi, ya'juj wa ma'juj, and themes such as. This group never knew about the details regarding the Day of Judgment except as far as he said and said, so that their attitude towards the Day of Judgment was like their attitude towards other news.

Third: Those who are not sure of the coming of the end. This group is mostly represented by most western or eastern nations (such as Japan) who do not believe in the end of the day. The technological sophistication that they have makes them have their own conclusions about the fate of the world in the future. This group includes darwinism and those who agree with it.

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