The Youtube Sandy Hook Shut-Down, With Jim Fetzer & Robin Weigel/HowISee TheWorld

Youtube has for years now allowed for a vast mountain of evidence that definitively proves the Sandy Hook school shooting was a massive fraud propagated on the American people to be struck down indiscriminately from its platform while protecting the blatant lies and misinformation coming out of the official (fairy tale) story.  has banned the book "Nobody Died At Sandy Hook" after it sold 500 copies upon publication (it can be found here, for free: This fascist act of clear censorship means, if you think about it, that Amazon knows full and well that the questions and evidence put forth in the book are valid, investigated, and authentic, because to ban a book you would have to know what you are banning, and nobody can read that book and look at the clear evidence and come to the conclusion that Adam Lanza killed his mother and then went to Sandy Hook and shot to death 26 people with a 95% expert kill rate for which he was not trained WITH NO MOTIVE WHATSOEVER. For a long list of just SOME of the Sandy Hook anomalies and questions, see my Steemit post here:

If you believe the official Sandy Hook story, then you might as well believe that there are such things as flying unicorns. 

The Youtube Sandy Hook Shut-Down, With Jim Fetzer & Robin Weigel/HowISee TheWorld seen here on LightOnConspiracies:

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