Sandy Hook Puzzle Pieces You Won't Soon Forget...

(Video at bottom...)

Thirty-year forensic specialist James K. Appleton received two photographs from Sandy Hook researcher and former school safety superintendent Wolfgang Halbig. He DID NOT KNOW that the two pictures were Lenie Urbina, a resident of Newtown Connecticut, and Avielle Richman, alleged victim of the "shooting" on 12-14-12, both alleged students of Sandy Hook Elementary. Mr. Appleton works for DHS, the police, many government agencies, etc., and he concluded 100% that Avielle Richman is in FACT Lenie Urbina. THE SAME GIRL. This means that Lenie Urbina's parents, Curtis & Michelle Urbina, LOANED their daughter Lenie Urbina's image to Jeremy Richman & Jennifer Hensel who defrauded America and the world by lying about losing a daughter that never existed in a shooting tragedy that didn't even occur. Springing out of this like the "Patriot" Act from the inside job known as 9/11 comes the Avielle Foundation, raking in millions of dollars from poor unsuspecting and hardworking people the world 'round.

If nothing else, this constitutes CHILD ABUSE.


To Participate in a Class Action lawsuit Against Monte Frank and/or Jeremy Richman & Jennifer Hensel:

If you have donated to the Avielle Foundation or any other Sandy Hook charity and now feel defrauded based upon the seen in this video or information gathered elsewhere which conflicts with the official Sandy Hook School Shooting narrative, please contact with your name, contact information, amount donated, receipt (if available), and name of fraudulent charity in which you contributed, to participate in a class action lawsuit.

You may also report The Avielle Foundation (EIN #46-1864791) directly to the IRS by calling the Tax Fraud Hotline at 1-800-829-0433 or by mail to the Internal Revenue Service, Fresno, CA 93888.

Jeremy Richman has collected donations from multiple businesses and pharmaceutical companies based on false pretenses.  These companies include: Russo Partners LLC, Crazy Mountain Brewing Company, IVY Funds, Vectra Bank Colorado, Amazon Smile, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Mutual Security Credit Union of Danbury, Connecticut Credit Union Charitable Foundation, Speedway Children’s Charities, Ameriprise Financial,  and countless other private citizens, who in good faith donated to Jeremy Richman’s brain research and gun control efforts.

Do your part. Don't let them continue to get away with this.


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