Living In The Matrix Of Lies

     What is "mainstream media"? Mainstream media is any news program you see on TV. Any news program on the radio. It is every national magazine, newspaper, blog site, and cable channel. It is also Hollywood movies, which are nothing more than a propaganda tool and a mechanism for brainwashing the masses and reinforcing lies. If you are getting your truth from mainstream media, then you are living in the Matrix. 

     The Matrix is a phony fake world of unreality far removed from truth. 

     In the Matrix, you are oblivious, brainwashed, mind-controlled, manipulated, and emotionally enslaved. You are a zombie--dumbed-down, poisoned, de-energized and a laughingstock. The rulers of the Matrix laugh at you daily and lie to your face with bright shiny smiles. They can do this much in the same way a serial-killer justifies murdering innocent people because they are psychopaths. In the Matrix, you whip out your checkbook to make a donation at the first sign of a mass shooting without knowing it is fake and that you are being played and extorted. In the Matrix, you believe the war on terror is real: You believe ISIS is actually attacking people in America. 

     In the Matrix, you believe a man in Afghanistan orchestrated 9/11 and was able to bypass the greatest military and its security protocols the world has ever known. In the Matrix, you believe that a 757 jumbo jet can hit the ground and bury itself completely in the ground, as happened in Shanksville on 9/11. You also believe that 3 steel-framed buildings can collapse from 2 airplanes, but you also believe that the twin towers can collapse at free-fall acceleration from airplane impacts and reduce themselves to a small pile of rubble nowhere near representative of their 110 stories. You believe a plane hit the Pentagon, though not a single one of the 86 cameras caught even a glimpse of it at the most protected government building in the world.

     In the Matrix, you think we went to the moon, even though now NASA scientists are suddenly trying to figure out  how astronauts can use the restroom in space, not to mention...HOW TO GET TO THE MOON. They do this while garnering massive amounts of funding for their scheduled trip to Mars, which is MUCH farther away than the moon. 

     In the Matrix, you believe a man can be shot four (4) times in the back at the Pulse nightclub by a Sig Sauer MCX and get discharged from the hospital the VERY NEXT DAY.  In the Matrix you believe anything and everything that comes out of your TV, your radio, and newspaper, all of which are owned by just 6 companies. In the Matrix, you are unaware that former CIA Director William Casey said, "We will know  our disinformation program is a success when everything the American public believes is false."

     In the Matrix, if Anderson Cooper on CNN said that New York was attacked by flying unicorns pooping Easter eggs, you would believe it. Outside the Matrix, where I reside, most everything mainstream media tells me is as transparently preposterous as your flying unicorns. Why? Because I have free will and a critically-thinking brain and I am awake. Because I look beyond the headlines and the jabbering mouths of "news" anchor script-readers to the actual evidence and clues, which by way of cross-referencing, analysis, and submersion into their propaganda I am able to extricate from their mess a skeleton of truth, then fill in the rest based on their agenda, which I am aware of because I am able to do these things. 

     Living outside your artificial rehearsal world is a very nice place to be, and I highly recommend it. It's like wearing X-Ray glasses when I look at the desk jockeys on your "news" programs telling me that 26 people died at Sandy Hook and seeing them for what they are--completely naked without truth to cover them. Completely stripped bare of the truth that would actually prove the things they say, instead of backing them up with violins and claims of harassment. But your Matrix has you brainwashed to combat my truth and fight against it with all you've got, which is usually self-denial and accusations & name-calling. But that's okay to those of us living outside your fake world because we understand what you are going through. We understand it because we, too, have experienced the Awakening. We were once in your shoes.

     I invite you to stop being a victim and to free yourself from the fascism of your government. Free yourself from the harm they are doing to you. Free yourself from looking at them for answers as if they were your Mommy & Daddy--THEY ARE NOT, and you can provide your own answers. I invite you to cross the threshold into a world where you will be armed with truth that will enable you to protect yourself from continued demoralization and enslavement. I'm not going to lie: It won't be easy. You will be pissed off and feel the need to wake everybody up, and that is good and honorable. That makes you a budding and authentic hero, unlike the playacting traitors of faked attacks where one need only kneel to a victim to be called a "hero."  Unlike the sports figures in your Matrix they call "heroes," thereby insulting every REAL brave individual who risks their life to save another. 

     If you're not ready now, you will be someday, and we will be here for you. We, the Truth Tellers, fighting to protect everyone on this planet, and the planet itself.

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