Asbestos In Sandy Hook Elementary, A Top-Rated School?

Sandy Hook Elementary was allegedly a top-notch school. Parents of children who attended Sandy Hook say they moved to Newtown just so their children could go to school there. It has been called a "vanguard" school. And yet if you do some simple research for photographs of Sandy Hook Elementary, you will find images of mold & mildew all over the building, a hole in the bricks, a jutting railing pole eye-level to children, swagging electrical cords, and evidence that the school was non-ADA compliant. Inside you will find furniture crammed up against the windows, closets stuffed full of messy stored items including boxes, such as a Corona beer box, water damage on the walls, water-stained ceiling tiles, draping electrical cords, a water hose running through a part of the building down into a basement, and a fire exit door blocked by a floor cleaner, among so much more.

After the alleged shooting, and after it was surrounded by chain-link fence to keep anybody from going inside where they would NOT have seen any blood or bullet holes in the walls (which is why the demolition crews had to sign life-time disclosures of secrecy), Brendan Hunt (Youtube channel xrayultra), filmed the perimeter of the school, capturing a back door on which is prominently displayed a sign warning that the school is contaminated with asbestos. If this "vanguard" school, it turns out, was contaminated by asbestos and affecting the health of each of the 456  children we are told were in  attendance on the day of the alleged shooting, then why are not 456 sets of parents suing this school? Surely they  have a case. A VERY strong case. See the evidence in the video below...

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