A Picture Is Worth 436 Lies And $1500 Cash

SHANNON HICKS took the famous SINGLE Sandy Hook "evacuation" photo, which, as you can clearly see, was staged for a better shot. These same children, at exactly the same location (notice the same cars in the background), were rearranged for the best possible STAGED photograph. In other shots, parents can be seen in the foreground casually standing with their hands in their pockets and their arms crossed, watching the fraud being conducted (or, if this photo is from a fire drill in the past, guilty of complicity for not speaking out). 

SHANNON HICKS won the NENPA (New England Newspaper and Press Award) for this “Picture Of the Year” because psychopaths always award criminals for the part they play in screwing over the good, trusting, compassionate people of this world. Also, awarding someone for their participation in a terrorist event against humanity is always the best kind of propaganda devised to make the gullible masses believe the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting really took place. You know, like the never-ending documentaries, interviews, and "death threats" of "conspiracy theorists," which I beg to differ are really taking place at all (after all, they all seem to be directed at only ONE of the 800+ parents that would have been involved in this charade).

On the day of the "shooting," there was frost on the ground, but in these two photos we are clearly at a different time of the year. Many speculate the infamous photograph was actually a fire drill from a previous year, while others believe it was taken in October, two months before the motive-free "shooting" that was in reality a staged cooperative government-community “Capstone” exercise planned years before December 2012 for the purposes of banning commonly-used firearms and limiting free speech.

Whenever it was taken, it wasn’t the day of the “shooting,” and why are there no other photographs of this mass evacuation?

SHANNON HICKS photographed these 15 or so children but didn't bother taking any other pictures of the evacuation of 436 children who we are told were taken to the firehouse up the street, where stacks of bottled water were available for the scant crowd of mostly-adults standing around for their photo-op. This was the biggest mass shooting of children in history and the place was crawling with cockroaches, er, I mean, media, filming and interviewing key players while a helicopter (most revealingly) filmed the fraud from above. None of their cameras captured this elusive mass evacuation of children from the school to the firehouse--NOT A SINGLE PICTURE OTHER THAN THAT FROM SHANNON HICKS'S CAMERA. How is this possible? It's not.

Perhaps Curtis Urbina gives us a clue when he said on camera (footage stricken from the news): "Children were bussed in...." As he says this, Lenie Urbina, his daughter, also tells us of her experience. She is also AVIELLE RICHMAN, a fake victim of Sandy Hook whose image her child-abusing parents Curtis and Michelle Urbina loaned out, and upon which the AVIELLE FOUNDATION was founded by criminals Jeremy Richman and his wife Jennifer Hensel, deceitfully raking in millions of dollars from unsuspecting corporations and compassionate, gullible people. But I digress....

Photographer SHANNON HICKS isn't too bright, either. I guess to take part in such a massive fraud you wouldn't expect her to be intelligent, but the level of her dumbed-downness is leaps and bounds above and beyond most fluoridated and chemtrailed humans of today. The evidence of this is that SHANNON HICKS uploaded her "evacuation" photos to a Facebook album days BEFORE the "shooting" even occured--Oops!--as many donation and memorial sites did, as proven by their internet cached dates. She's not alone in her stupidity.

REWARD!!!  Send me pictures and/or video that constitute even 200 evacuated children from Sandy Hook and I will send you $1500 cash. And I am dead serious. So do the research, find the very elusive documented evidence of an evacuation they tell us took place on that day swimming under cameras' lenses, and you'll be 1500 bucks richer.

Perhaps along the way, doing your research, you just might happen to break free of your mainstream-media-brainwashed and manipulated mindset and think for yourself, and see the truth beneath all the pretty "news" anchors and unconstitutional transgressors. Visit my FREE website honr.info for some of the best Sandy Hook research and the most toxic Sandy Hook videos around. Share & Mirror freely.

It's your world. How do you want it to be?

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