Saudi Prince has a dangerous game!

The Saudi Prince has broken the tradition of Saudi Arabia Prince Muhammad Salman In discussions with one after another on the issue of anti-corruption campaign, religious tolerance, liberalization of women, social programs by leading the youth, filming, interference in regional politics, diplomatic relations, and friendship with the Israelis, and the hardships of the enemy countries.

Saudi Prince has received worldwide praise for breaking many years in Saudi Arabia for various reforms. Praise may have led him to more and more reforms. But did anyone think of the consequences? Thus, after a one-on-one decision is not creating a path of dictatorship and regional warfare! Yemen is responsible for humanitarian disaster in the war. Even his role in the Middle East's instability seems to be questioned.

Prince Mohammad bin Salman is now considered the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia. His emergence as a defense minister was in 2015. In June, Mohammad Bin Nayef was removed and 32-year-old Prince Bin Salman was declared the Crown Prince (the next ruler).

Since being the Crown Prince, he took the reforms program one after another. 381 people were arrested in the anti-corruption campaign. Most of them are compensated by paying huge amounts of compensation. Among them are 11 Prince, current and former ministers, wealthy businessmen. Starting from April 18, filming will start in the country, with a three-decade ban. Yuvraj Mohammad bin Salman is talking about a new social contract, which will not be a permanent bureaucracy as before.

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