Deep throat was the code name for the investigation which blew the lid off the watergate scandal and brought the Nixon presidency to an end. It was also the title of a porno movie which was released about the same time. Nixon got shafted by a couple of reporters from the Washington post, aka CIA, aka Israel.

The throat looks the same as a vagina, it also works the same way. Words start out as thoughts, thoughts become words when they are expressed and ejaculated out of the mouth. Words are like babies that come out of the womb of the mind and into the world where they take on a life of their own.

Some babies will be militant, some will heal, some will incite others to act, some will sink like a stone, some will last forever. Without words to describe our world we would exist in eternal darkness and silence. Thought without a means of expression is like a dick which cannot ejaculate, you may as well cut it off and throw it into the fire.IMG_7794.JPG

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