Grottbags Thinkings: Fending For Self Will Probably Mean More Babies, 1 in 5 Kids Are Carers, Public Systems Suck, Logic & Technology Required

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If the UK's health and social care system keeps breaking down and failing the people...

I envision the peoples mindsets will start to change back to the ways of our ancestors. The first and foremost way to survive life and its random ills is to create a big family.

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You can't rely on free healthcare or any other form of support, you can't afford to buy it either. You may be lucky to have made some amazing friends who might be around to help you out, but you certainly can't rely on that happening. So what do you have left? Babies. The more children you can breed, the more people are there to help and support you. This is how we used to survive. We had no choice. It's just, Nature.

1 in 5 Children in the UK are carers for their parents

Giles Meyer, CEO of The Carers Trust has responded to the latest survey data:

“This new data blows all previous figures out of the water, revealing a generation of young carers who are being neglected by society."
“Whilst these new figures are shocking, we are not at all surprised. A lack of government commitment to making sure these vulnerable children are routinely identified in school and supported means young carers are slipping through the net."

I have just watched the news explaining that a new survey has found 1 in 5 children in the UK are carers for their parents. It showed a 9 year old girl (and her 3 sisters and a brother) explain how their dad is bed ridden with a major back problem and excess anxiety, he is stuck waiting for surgery and is often poorly which can be upsetting.
Between the mum and these 5 kids, they all play a part, 24 hours a day, to ensure they are looking after their dads every needs. If this mum had only 1 child, she would have not be able to cope caring for the dad. But then, where would the dad be in that situation? There is currently no social care available for him. Would he still be alive? That thought trails off into another messy realm of thinkings best left for another time.

It's madness in this country!

1 in 5! children/families are in this kind of situation. (And I also read that 1 in 5 children in the UK witness domestic abuse. So do we have 3 out of 5 children living well or are there more matters to be concerned about?)

At the moment there seems to be no successful plan to get us out of the dooms. If anything, these things, which are destined by the chaos theory, will have to getworse before they have chance to improve. It is happening already and has been since 2007.

This is what made me think how lucky the children are that do have the siblings to help.

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Children Are The Answer

There are many children carers that are alone, caring for their mum or dad by themselves. The more the health and care system breaks down, the more people there will be looking for a solution which they can control to protect themselves.
And I have concluded the most simplest and easiest way is to have more children.

Of course this in turn will fuck up the country even more, (limited space aside)either the large families will start heading back into poverty, 10 people crammed into 2 bed houses etc, or the country will continue paying excess benefits somehow building bigger houses (which most people wont be able to afford if things are the same as they are now in the housing realm) which eventually will drain the funds and leave us in a pickle as to where we can get the extra money from.

Realistically, the only logical route I can think of to begin to rectify all of these problems, is for the country to really focus on building and using technology and autosystems and implementing them into the public services. Offices, councils, hospitals, care homes, police forces etc all of these are behind the times when it comes to even the simple things like communicating between their own departments. They are all disconnected, still operating with the pen and paper mindsets, ridiculous amount of forms and paperwork, it's so unnessescary and one of the bigggest delays in time (which equals money)

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Rather than host big meetings via online video calls, they wait for months in order to get everyone together in person because paperwork or whatever. So much time gets pissed away. Just use the internet, emails, and all the cool technologies out there. One big spend to implement these things, will reduce costs overall, and sooner than any plan of action currently available.

The reality is, we have to drop back to what is real, all the years of lending and borrowing, making cuts here and there to fund something else (often less vital) all of this has to come to a point, and i believe it is now officially at the start of that point. The point at which a badly designed building will creak it's last crack before crumbling in on it's own weight.

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The crumbles in our societies are going to happen

Until we get back to the point we should be at, before all the greed and masked debts occurred (Im not sure how far back we have to go for that), we will all have to accept some hardships that are due our way. (Some more than others depending on how you have chosen to live life in this society over the last decade or two. )

But as we go back, the new technology age should allow us to simoultaneously move things forward...if we can figure things out using more logic and less greed, we can cushion the blows. Just before one thing destinly crumbles, we have chances to build better things. When the old fall occurs, the pain will be reduced by positivity. Positivity which will be created out of the physical, interactive things we will build prior to the fall. It helps towards countering a loss.

It will work out in the end, it always does.

We just have to hurry things along to avoid more pain of doom than necessary. And that's what protesting, voting and working together as a team is designed for. IT SHOULDN'T BE TOO HARD!

Well that's my thought on the matters... for now anyway :)

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