More Media idiocy - Pewdiepie is a Nazi again!

So we all know about that dude that killed a bunch of people in New Zealand and of course it is terrible. I believe there are very few people on the planet that actually deserve to die but there are a awful lot of people, especially people in the Main Stream Media that are pretty terrible people and will jump on anything that seems to disparage their way of life in the slightest.

The main perpetrator behind the Christchurch massacre wrote an 87-page "manifesto" about his motivations. I read some of it and I strongly encourage you not to do so as it is near-incoherent and filled with ramblings that don't make sense. I suppose this shouldn't be terribly surprising that a crazy person would do this. Anyhoo at one point he says "Subscribe to Pewdiepie!" and of course the media jumped all over that because they already don't like him.


So why do they not like Pewdiepie? Is it because he is a mouthpiece for conservatives? Is it because he is a political power-player in the political realm? Absolutely not. It is because he, on his own with a team of 2 editors, absolutely crushes the massive organizations in terms of popularity and refuses to tow the line of the PC parade.

Felix's latest press release to MSM

If you were to type in the world "Pewdiepie" and "Nazi" into a DuckDuckGo search (that's right!) or any other websearch you will find on the first page a bunch of non-ironic articles who are definitely trying to actually make the case that Pewds actually is a Nazi. These articles are all authored by the usual truth-factories like Vox, Salon, Buzzfeed, and other such propaganda mills that have seen dramatic decreases in viewership over the years. Most of the articles have shut down their comments section because the only people reading this garbage were actually fans of Felix (Pewdiepie.)

Of course there are also a slew of lunatics on Twitter and what not who post dumb crap like this. I don't know if these guys are seeking fame or if they really believe that just because someone subscribes to something they don't like, it must make them a Nazi.

One of my favorite commenters posted this:

  1. Nazis are bad
  2. I am good.
  3. People opposing me are bad.
  4. The people opposing me are Nazis.

Infallible logic.

The thing is that Felix isn't really on anyone's side. He very rarely makes statements that could be even remotely considered political. He does take shots at major news stories from time-to-time but honestly, that is a very uncommon theme for his daily shows. For the most part he focuses on memes, scolding Youtube for their copystrike rules, and playing video games.

Like most people, i hate the media. Pewdiepie isn't trying to influence anyone. He was been making people laugh with silly jokes for 9 years and is the number one individual Youtuber for a reason - he is very entertaining. If you can learn one thing from all this I believe it is this: If you are successful, you better bow to the masters of the world and say what they want you to say, because if you don't, they are going to use any dirty tactic to try to discredit and destroy you.

I am happy that Pewdiepie refuses to play their game and he is rewarded by still having a wildly popular Youtube channel that if you want to advertise with him it will cost you $300 thousand. This must drive Vox crazy because they can only get these sorts of numbers with clickbait stories like.... i dunno... "Pewdiepie is a Nazi"

Keep fighting the good fight by not fighting, Felix - nobody believes this crap anyway.

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