Sam,s Clubs Stores Closed over night all over America and Without any Warning to Customers or Employees ! What Could be the Reason for This ?


photo/Joshua Krause

With so many Sam,s Clubs all over America having closed overnight with no warning given to customers or employees ! We should be asking some questions to why ?? Well did you know that both Sam,s Clubs and Walmart were started by the same man ? a certain Sam Walton ! ?

Samuel Moore Walton was an American businessman and entrepreneur best known for founding the retailers Walmart and Sam's Club. At one point in his life, he was the richest American in the world.

But there is also a dark secret to Sam Walton, that not many know or could even dream of, its this......

"Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, was actually a US Intelligence Officer during World War 2, and he specialized in planning and building INTERNMENT camps in the United States. All of the American immigrants that were stripped of their rights and forced into internment camps can thank Sam Walton for his hospitality. Do you actually think it’s a coincidence that the company founded by Mr. Internment Camp is working closely with the government to build more camps? "

here is a link which will give you the very low down on this man !!

So why would this be ? Funny as Walmart is in the same postion, with hundred of stores closing down overnight and with no real economic reason being given by the management ! But with some major quite visible changes being made to the stores outside and in ! Cages are now placed outside with turnstiles and what seems to be prison style mass treatment admission queues for filtering the interns according to their personal record held by the authorities on our political veiws and statements over the years ! Somehow I dont feel I will be on their liked list ! But then I have never been too Government friendly me !!

Better to Die Fighting with a Sword in your Hand than in a Hole with Bullet to the Back of your Head !

What if I told you that there are some that believe that all these closed Walmarts and now seemingly Sams Stores too might be all interconnected by a secret tunnel system that they have been building without public knowledge or consent !


These once huge and customer friendly stores have been tranformed secretly into transportation hubs and treatment centres for human beings that will be brought there to be assimilated and taken off to their respective fates. Depending on whether they are seen as being dangerous, fairlly dangerous or just plain stupid government koolaid drinker slave class ! This is pretty scary and we should all be asking some pretty serious questions as indeed I do keep on telling you all !

Here as ever with my posts are a selection of videos that I have made for you to give you an idea on what could coming up round the corner if indeed I am right ! Watch them please ! But before you do, maybe you should take a good look at the two images I have posted below ! As I think they should give you good reason to take this post seriously ! Do you not find the similarity of Walmarts Logo and the tunnel boring machine strange ??




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Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below !



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