Looks like the Clintons House of Evil is Burning Down ! More Destruction of Incriminating Disks and Data by these Creatures of the Swamp ?

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A mysterious fire breaks out in a building in the back of the Clintons mansion house in in Chappaqua, New York. on the 3rd of January 2018 ! incidently the exact same date that Seth Rich, the suspected DNC/Wikileaks mole was murdered in the street by some robbers who are reported to have stolen nothing from him !

Firefighters brought the fire under control pretty quickly but then reported how the room was full of burned out computers and storage disks !! Why would that be I wonder ? Seems that the Clintons have alot of miscellaneous computers lying around that might be a potential risk to their freedom ! So why risk it when a small can of petrol and a match can settle your problems in an instant ?

The Clintons were reported as not being present on the property at the outset of this mysterious fire ! The fire was in a facility used by the Secret Service on the Clinton property in a building not connected to their home, Nick Merrill, a spokesperson for Hillary Clinton, tweeted.

Burning Evidence? Hillary's Mysterious House-Fire

Jay Myers Documentaries
Published on 4 Jan 2018

What was really behind the mysterious house fire reported yesterday at the Clinton residence? Could this be more evidence disposal gone wrong? Remember the smashed cell phones and bleach-bit deleted emails? I am working on a new documentary now but in the meantime I just had to see what you guys thought about this one?

Q Anon: Clinton House Fire Deliberate Act ‘To Flush Enemy Out’

Published on 5 Jan 2018

Background of mystery fires haunts Clintons as Q-Anon previously hinted he would “set a fire to flush (the enemy) out.”

Reports came in on Wed January 3rd 2018 that a fire had broken out in the house of Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, New York.Authorities poured water on the reports as quickly as they could: the Clintons were not home. No-one was hurt. Some reports put the fire in a building away from the main house, others in a bedroom inside the house.Fires have a way of following the Clinton’s around. The day before, President Trump tweeted a direct message to watch Sean Hannity.

Here it was exposed in great detail how newly obtained Huma Abedin Emails were blowing the whole Clinton Email investigation open again, with major questions about Abedin’s own actions sharing classified information. And this is leading to even more serious questions about how the FBI’s interview with Clinton turned into a donut session where she wasn’t even miranda’d and there were no lawyers present! This on top of Comey already writing out his exoneration of Clinton before that soft ball interview even took place.

Less than 24 hours later, this mysterious fire breaks out at the Clintons home.


You Are Free TV
Published on 5 Jan 2018

PART ONE: In this video I confirm one of the Qanon team players and get deeper into the P_ence connection to pedogate. The deep state is on the run but the Trump Team is smarter, faster and has all of US on their side! I will post PART TWO ASAP. Think, UNITED NATIONS!

JW President Tom Fitton: Clinton Email Scandal 'Worse than everyone expected'

Judicial Watch
Published on 5 Jan 2018

We know the DOJ under the Obama administration was pro-Hillary and didn't prosecute her for the Clinton email scandal. Recently, Judicial Watch uncovered more emails from the Clinton State Department that made their way onto Anthony Weiner's laptop. These emails contained highly-sensitive information and were sent through Hillary Clinton's secret email server by Huma Abedin.

James Comey knew these documents existed on Weiner's laptop and did nothing. Meanwhile, the Mueller operation has been rife with conflicts of interest scandals involving Clinton/Trump biases, notably FBI agent Peter Strzok sending anti-Trump texts. Strzok was the same agent who led the Clinton email investigation. Additionally, Andrew McCabe, the number-two man at the FBI, is politically compromised having not recused himself from the Clinton email investigation.

Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below !



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