South Africa holds its breath

The air is pregnant with anticipation.

Is this the week? are we finally rid of the millstone that has been dragging the country and its people backwards for the last 9 years?

It seems that the removal of the repulsively corrupt Jacob Zuma is now just a matter of time. The writing on the wall screams that his backers are fleeing and his support is evaporating.

With the judiciary having flexed its muscles in spite of all his shenanigans and his succession plans thwarted at the most recent ANC elective conference, it seems that the vital thread, that unravels all, has been found.

Cyril Ramaposa, it is becoming more clear, has had a well oiled machine operating in the background and the state capture cronies and co. are reeling from the punches that are coming in thick and fast. The rats appear to be abandoning ship in haste and the emperor appears to be standing alone in all his abominable nakedness.

The question now on everyone's lips is how much longer will he seek to postpone the inevitable...

Hopefully he will be following close behind old BOB.

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