Dear Humanity (Letter 2)

Dear Humanity,

If you take away the money, the status, the college degrees, and all the material things what is it that makes anyone better than any other person on this planet? NOTHING! NOTHING PEOPLE! We need to quit thinking that we are better than anybody just because we have this much money or this degree or this job.

Don’t you get that while you are busy making someone feel like a piece of shit for protesting in the middle of the street, that the people in power are not coloring in the lines of the Constitution, lining their pockets with money, and taking our rights. Things are so far gone and so fucked up at this point that this is what it is going to have to take. That does not give you the right to just plow and run people over just because you don’t agree with how they are protesting. They are using their rights. They are standing up to tyranny and I have more respect for those people standing in the streets than those people that just want to plow people down. That is murder. That is no better than they corruption that they are protesting.

People get pissed that they are hindering people’s lives and whatnot. HELLO?!! They have been hindering our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for years. What? So, you are lucky to have a job in this ecomony. You spend 40 hours a week and still can’t pay all your bills. But, slavery is abolished huh?

They profit off poisoning people, making them sick, and selling drugs.

They put laws on the books that make it illegal to have gardens and ponds.

And if that isn’t bad enough. 853 people have been killed by law enforcement since January of this year. 853!!! Sure, not all of them were innocent , but anymore you hear of cops just hauling off and just shooting people for NO REASON! (IE: Jason Stockley) They have video evidence and the prosecutor even said he was guilty and yet, NOT GUILTY!!!! Riddle me that one, AMERICA! Why is it that they are above the law? A police officer’s job is not to shoot first and ask questions later. If you are that quick to react, then you don’t need to be in that line of work.

If you aren’t going to follow the laws of the Constitution and work for the greater good of the people and this country, you need to get the fuck out of that position. FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. Not for the greater good of corporations, elites, and all of the people in positions of power. You are not my God.

We are about ready to cut the strings…
Too many people are fed up now….
We are watching you….

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