If Trump freed Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, would you vote Trump in 2020?

Ross Ulbricht is the founder of the world's first Darknet market site, the Silk Road. By launching the anonymous marketplace, Ross changed the black market in the most fundamental and positive ways in all of history. The Silk Road allowed users for the first time ever to purchase their drugs anonymously and from the safety of their homes rather than having to go out in the streets where robbery and ripoffs have been common occurrences in the black market.

The Silk Road lowered violent crime and increased the odds that the buyer was actually getting the drug they ordered, since dealers on the Silk Road were subject to anonymous competitors. That drove prices down and quality up. All the while, Ross, allegedly acting as site administrator, "Dread Pirate Roberts" helped his site's users understand the ideas of liberty through a book club he ran. Ross was and still is a very principled voluntarist libertarian. Ross is also arguably the second most important person in the history of Bitcoin besides its anonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Silk Road put Bitcoin (BTC) on a lot of people's radar at a very early time in Bitcoin's history, as one needed to have Bitcoin in order to shop on the site.

[Ross Ulbricht, Heroic Founder of the Silk Road]

Of course, the government thugs could not allow this newfound free market to stand so they targeted Silk Road and were able to uncover its location and admins back in 2013, bringing them up on multiple felony charges. One admin, "Inigo" aka Andrew Michael Jones was even a Free State Project signer who had visited Keene, though we didn't know that about him at the time.

After a sham trial, where Ross was clearly railroaded, lowlife judge Katherine Forrest sent him to prison for two life sentences plus forty years. All for simply creating a website. Forrest believed this would "send a message", but apparently no one cares. More sites like Silk Road popped up to replace it and despite many of them being taken down by the feds over the years, they keep springing up again and again. After all, there is a lot of money to be made and someone will always be willing to take the risk to supply the demand in the market. The cops can talk tough all they want - the war on drugs is a failure and anyone honest knows it.

This week, I spoke with Lyn Ulbricht, Ross' mother. She told me about a new petition to get her son out. Given Ross' appeals failed in the corrupt, evil "justice" system, his only chance at freedom is a commutation of his sentence from none other than Donald Trump. Though this certainly seems like a long shot, Trump has indicated some interest in criminal justice reform, so perhaps it's not impossible. Lyn has already been circulating a petition nationwide which has garnered over 168,000 signatures. However, there is a new, special petition only for people in New Hampshire.

[Derrick J and Michele Seven rally to Free Ross outside his trial.]

Lyn hopes the new petition will get New Hampshire likely voters to indicate their support for Trump commuting Ross' sentence, ideally with the voter pledging they'll become a single issue voter and vote for Trump in 2020. While the petition itself doesn't pledge that the signer will vote for Trump, those willing to make that pledge should do so in the comments section. If you're in New Hampshire or will be by 2020, please take a moment to sign the petition here. If you're willing to vote Trump if he commutes Ross' sentence, please indicate as such. It's not like your vote means anything at the national level anyway, so why not?

Once the petition gets enough signatures, Lyn will present it to the head of the Republican party in New Hampshire in hopes that will help it get in front of Trump. It's a long shot, but it's the only chance Ross has. I'm signing, how about you?

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