Look out!! A steemizen has made it good!

Give it up for @kafkanarchy84!

He left us, but he is doing just fine!


I've had interactions with him.
And it does appear that he dropped 'anarchist' from his self labeling.

He got in a tussle with this guy.
It escalated quickly.
Flamed out.
Everybody has probably moved on.

For those of us watching from the outside, it serves as warning about being careful who you get involved with.

I think Kafka should have gotten more support from us, he was quite brave/assertive in outing the poor behavior of a well known personality.

He did us a favor, there.

I don't think got proper respect for that, so I hope you take the time to discover this good guy, for yourself.

He sure 'nough can get our name in the papers.


Youtube 'Christmas Purge' Has Content Creators Pointing to These Alternate Platforms

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Recent widespread video removals have crypto Youtubers searching for greener and more dependable pastures for content production.
While reports have since emerged of Youtube claiming the incident was an accident, and that videos are now being restored, the “Christmas Crypto purge” of 2019 has nonetheless burnt an indelible memory into the minds of dedicated Youtubers.
Many are now looking to back up their content or even migrate elsewhere, and suggesting more decentralized and censorship-resistant platforms for video sharing.


Steemit-associated Dtube (warning: some Dtube thumbnail images may be NSFW) claims to be “the first crypto-decentralized video platform, built on top of the STEEM Blockchain and the IPFS peer-to-peer network.”
The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) and Steem blockchain are leveraged so that “D.Tube is not able to censor videos, nor enforce guidelines.”
Rewards and monetization are made possible via Steem, Dtube Coin, and others.
While still growing and viewed as very promising by many, periodic issues with the IPFS protocol struggling to accommodate user requests has been noted.

For those of you that were here during that time, please take the time to immortalize your impressions of what happened, or didn't happen, or any rumors in the comments.

Take the seven minutes for this video from Venezuela.
There are more videos in the link above.


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