#Paris #YellowJackets defy fuel price hikes but who really provoked this reaction and why?

I am being barraged with requests from the French actvists to back them and instigate a #YellowJacket revolution here!
I won't ever do that.
I stick to my understanding of geo-politics and I know when I am being played.
We in the UK are NOT stupid.
We know that insurrection will lead to martial law and armed police, even the army on our streets.
We have to play this cleverly.

There are armed snipers on the roofs in Paris! Just like at Maiden in Ukraine, all they need to do is shoot a few police and a few protesters! Everyone will go crazy!

The #ExtinctionRebellion in Britain is a damp squib and I have worked hard to prove that it is government sanctioned and controlled by them.
ANY call for rebellion is a trap.

The predator class always uses this formula to enact the changes it wants to see.
They create a problem.
The people react.
They offer a solution but it always involves the loss of more freedoms.
They get what they want in the end..... the New World Order under the United Nations and in obedience to the UN Agendas 21 and 2030.

I am deeply sorry that the pressure in France has been so great and that the people have exploded in a temper tantrum, typical of their national identity.
However, we in Britain, have been manipulated for 2,000 years by the Roman Empire and all its reincarnations and rebrandings and we know that there is another way.

We will withdraw from the EU in spite of our City of London obedient Treason Mayhem.
If we do not leave FULLY as we voted to do THEN we will simply down tools and grind the country to a SILENT halt.

Violence begets violence.

Notice the roof sniper in the last frames of the video?

Peace and calm will get us much further towards freeing us from the oppression of Rome and all its mechanisms of control.
THAT is what I will advocate.
Anyone with a will to achieve freedom will agree, only those brainwashed with fear will kneejerk and panic.

Author's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/franceselaineleader
twitter: https://twitter.com/2013Boodicca
minds: https://www.minds.com/francesleader

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