Failing New York Times Reports That 52 Times ISIS "Used Chemical Arms" in Iraq and Syria

The Failing New York Times, that continues to sit silent as nearly 1% of us are behind bars in Murca, manay for nonviolent conduct reported via Eric Schmitt on Nov 21, 2016 an article with the following headline:

"ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says"
The top of the article shows what is presumably a graveyard in Turkey which may hold the corpse of a 4 year old human girl possibly murdered "when a shell containing sulfur mustard agent hit her home" in Syria. The article goes on to hyper link to two "independent analysis" that by November 2016 had accounted at least 52 chemical arms incidents in Iraq and Syria. The attacks may have included the use of "chlorine and sulfur mustard agents."

The article reports that over 1/3 of the attacks were arorund the supposed ISIS territory of Mosul--an area from George Bush's accomplished mission. The article then cites a map from IHS Conflict Monitor of areas suspected to be chemical weapon incidents.

With continued American presence in the region and concurrent presence and commitment of Russia to preserving the Assad regime, one can ponder from a telelogical consequentialist perspect, that is find using people as means to an end to be sacrificed in the name of the "greater good" whether continued regime change would possibly be worth it? Would it be worth it if it led to direct conflict with Russia? Would it be worth it if toppling Assad led to more ISIS and moderates gassing the innocent?

Hopefully someday human life will be protected across the world rather than sacrificed in proxy wars. It is important to note that one of the few journalists not totally controlled by the military industrial intelligence incarceration complex, Julian Assange continues to have his voice silenced by lawless insane statists. The tyrants that continue to silence Assange's first amendment protected free speech have threatened Assange's life and have a track record of extrajudicial assassinations, torture, indefinite detention without charge nor trial and for those caught in their web of wickedness who want to kill themselves to escape their detention via hunger strike, they are force fed as Murcans watch their MTV and have their short attention spans filled with consumerist culture.


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