A shameful alternative to porn movies was introduced for blind people

Thousands of people around the world are engaging in porn movies, but the biggest web site of porn movies is not even happy. To maximize their viewer, see the insight of the website that it has also developed porn movies for blind people.
According to the website 'Do Chronicle', the films made for blind people are described in the form of audiences. These films have been named 'Dotted Videos', along with the scenes of the movie, it is said by which chain is running and what's happening at that time.

Initially 50 such films have been introduced, and hundreds of more films will be developed this year. Over 20 thousand times have been seen during a few days of introduction of these films.
Remember that the same website has already published a book in 2010, which aims to facilitate access to pornographic content for blind people. This book is developed in the 'unique' language used for blind people, and it has been portrayed pornography and phrase in the Bible that even blind people can understand it.

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