Youtube Moderators "Mistakenly" Pull Alt Right Channels? #HOGGWASH! Youtube is Setting up Controlled Opposition! #FakeNewsReport

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^^Click Above to Watch Fake News Report Video^^

So did you here the one about Youtube mistakenly pulling Alt Right channels with their New Moderating teams?
Good one.... LOL! Thanks for the LULZ!
For years I have been exposing Youtube's VERY selective censoring and who it targets. I am... after all... the Most Censored Channel in Youtube History. Not to beat a Dead Horse (if you've read my other articles) but I have over 20 pages worth of Gmails saying "Your video has been removed from Youtube".... That's a LOT of pink slips. I've lost over half a dozen major channels too including FreeRadioRevolution, New World Agenda, Fake News Report, Free Radio Revolution Revival to name a few... which amounts to well over a hundred Thousands subs lost... Every single video pulled - I've challenged. Every single Channel Removed - I've Challenged.
My Success rate?
Yes a Big Fat Goose Egg. All my Channels (save Supreme Lord Commander) are done. All my work is lost....
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So you'll have to forgive my EXTREME skepticism when it comes to Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi and other "Alt Right" figures suffering from "teething pains" of Scroogles New Moderators (Sounds like a really bad super-hero group). Do you actually expect channels like mine to be "re-instated"? Were you born yesterday?
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You see they have to make it look like their FAKE Alternative media is being censored like the rest of us, so that alarm bells aren't sounded over how horrendous and selective this Orwellian censorship really is.
If you haven't seen my steemit post on Alex Jones' censorship HOGGWASH... now may be a good time:


Another extremely important article I wrote on this subject would be this one:

So lets take a look at the latest Censorship Attack on my work. This will CLEARLY reveal how utterly ridiculous and SELECTIVE this censorship is. Take a look what happened:
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So a few days ago I made a secret Youtube Account. One that has NO NAME.. and ALL of it's content is unlisted. Accessible through ONLY Patreon. The video above was posted with the Title "hmvmb" and it had NO description or tags whatsoever. It was UNLISTED and only available to my followers through a special link. That video had maybe 7-12 views.. Yes folks... that's what they have reduced my youtube audience to:
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So I need to ask a question here: If Alex Jones is such a terrible person (according to the Corporate Media), and is always posting absolute Bullshit about every event. Then why has he NEVER lost one video?

Why have I had 100s terminated by Youtube Community?

Why am I not mentioned in the Bloomberg article or the dozens of others that regurgitate the same meme?

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The answer is that I'm REAL. Therefore - I'm dangerous.

Oh and if you think this post isn't accurate... then enjoy the IDIOCRACY!!

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Please share and Re-steem this. I've lost so much of my work and have been targeted for years. Your support is what keeps me going. Much Love!

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