Economy in Colombia grew 2.5% and other news in data

In addition, the Venezuelan prosecutor said there are 34 involved in the attack on Maduro

EL TIEMPO tells you, in data, some of the most important national to international news during this Wednesday, August 15th.

Colombian economy grew 2.5% in the first half of 2018

The Colombian economy grew 2.8% in the second quarter of the year, compared to 1.8% registered in the same period of 2017. While throughout the first half, the expansion of the economy was 2.5%.

As explained by the Dane, the result of the second quarter is due to annual variations of public administration and defense (5.3%); wholesale and retail trade (3.6%) and manufacturing industries (3.7%). And also highlighted the agriculture, which had a dynamism of 5.9%.

Venezuelan prosecutor said there are 34 involved in the attack on Maduro

The Venezuelan prosecutor's office estimated the number of cases implicated in the attack that the president, Nicolás Maduro, suffered on August 4.

The attorney general, Tarek Saab, reported that there are already 14 detainees, including two soldiers, and 27 arrest warrants with red alert notifications to Interpol have been issued.
On the other hand, the Parliament accused the head of State for the torture that, they affirm, has received the opposition deputy pointed out by the attack, Juan Requesens.

Tarek Saab, el fiscal de Venezuela.

69% of Mexicans think that the country will improve with López Obrador

69% of Mexicans believe that the country will improve with Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president, in addition to 64.6% approving the politician, according to a poll by El Universal newspaper.

The approval of the leftist leader, who will assume the Presidency on December 1, contrasts with the perception of citizenship towards the current president, Enrique Peña Nieto. 66.8% disapprove of its management, while 21.2% approve it and 10.1% did not pronounce on it.

Suspended repatriation of injured and deceased in bus accident

The Colombian Foreign Ministry expects to obtain the corresponding authorizations for the transfer.

The Colombian Foreign Ministry reported that, despite the efforts to send a plane to Ecuador in order to repatriate the bodies of the deceased Colombians and the injured in the bus accident on Tuesday, the process was suspended until the 'seen' good 'on the part of the Ecuadorian authorities.
The accident occurred on the Pifo-Papallacta road, 30 kilometers from Quito, capital of Ecuador, on August 14 in the early hours of the morning. The loss left a balance of 23 deaths, among which there are 19 Colombians. Seven of them have been identified.

Following the magnitude of the tragedy, the Colombian Foreign Ministry sought a way to repatriate the wounded by sending an airplane to Ecuadorian lands in coordination with the Colombian Air Force. However, the operation was temporarily suspended while obtaining the pertinent authorization from the corresponding authorities of the neighboring country.

Likewise, the flight to repatriate the bodies of the Colombians who died in the accident will be made once the documentation process and the acquisition of the necessary permits for the return of the citizens who lost their lives on that bus trip are completed.

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