Breaking News: Tesla’s new Solar Roof comes with a Warranty that Lasts Forever & Generates 74,900$ worth of Electricity over 30 Years

Back in October of last year, Tesla unveiled a new project it had been secretly cracking away at behind the scenes: solar roof tiles. Unlike traditional solar panels that sit on top of the roof, these solar tiles would replace your roof outright — and, if all went to plan, they’d look as good as any other roof. Just… maybe a little shinier.

Orders for Tesla's solar roof tiles will open on Wednesday Orders for Tesla's solar roof tiles will open on Wednesday


Tesla will begin taking orders for its solar roof tiles on Wednesday which will be rolled out in the U.S. this year, Chief Executive Elon Musk said in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Glimpse of United States Pre-sale

Estimate of $74,900 worth of Electricity will be generated from these Panels over the course of 30 years, truly innovative Musk vision of Greener & more Sustainable Future is happening now!

Tesla has unveiled a range of sleek and streamlined solar panels designed to blend in to the roof of your home.
Elon Musk's firm recently added futuristic images to the 'Energy' section of its site, revealing a new line of camouflaged solar panels.


To prove the toughness of its solar tiles, Tesla's Solar tiles that make up the roof were designed to be extremely durable — they’re made of glass, after all. CEO Elon Musk put it more bluntly: it’s “infinity or when your house falls down.”

Tesla has an enormous amount of confidence in its tiles, to point that the company is offering what it calls an “Infinite Tile Warranty.”

“Made with tempered glass, Solar Roof tiles are more than three times stronger than standard roofing tiles,” Tesla says on the solar roof site. “That’s why we offer the best warranty in the industry — the lifetime of your house, or infinity, whichever comes first.”

Durable for sure, if you can withstand a Dumbell!

When it comes to Price, you can expect these new solar roof to be more expensive upfront when compared to a conventional roof , however they are built generate clean energy which will over years cover up the Cost making this a profitable opportunity for Homeowners to save money on their electricity expenses

Telsa also launched an online calculator so home owners can understand the costs associated with a Solar Roof. Now Tesla is taking requests for quotes for the new solar panels on its website. The viability of solar prices is highly dependent on your market (electricity cost, gov incentives, etc.) and your property

For those in the United States, that are planning to renovate their Roof should consider Elon Musk pitch to generate free Electricity from SolarEnergy while you get a sleek-looking Roof that saves you money

Telsa & SolarCity are Truly Innovative Companies, while Elon Musk is a Visionary Entrepreneur

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