Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 10 April 2020

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.


  • (00:18) Covid-19: White House briefings versus main stream media;
  • (04:27) Bill Gates says "Mass Gatherings" may not return without global vaccine;
  • (06:25) Bioweapon;
  • (06:49) U.S. Federal Reserve takes additional actions to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support economy;
  • (08:08) U.S. Federal Reserve Chair, Powell, tells world "There's really no limit to what the [Federal Reserve] can do";
  • (09:26) Coronavirus is the 'largest insolvency event' in history;
  • (10:19) University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment crashes by most ever;
  • (12:21) Americans not making their mortgage payments soar by 1,064% in one month;
  • (14:18) JPMorgan halts all non-government guaranteed small business loans;
  • (16:22) Small businesses sue China citing coronavirus response;
  • (21:38) U.S. Attorney General William Barr: "No basis" for FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation;
  • (24:18) Conspiracy;
  • (26:49) Judicial Watch sues North Carolina for 1 million inactive voters on voting roles;
  • and more..

35 minute video by Greg Hunter published 9 April 2020


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