No Romeo-And-Juliet Passes For Predatory Teenage Boys This Time

Olia Danilevich is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pexels

1.  The Elephant In The Room

Any time any die-hard child advocate publishes any kind of article regarding the sexual exploitation and manipulation of teenage girls, so to speak, he or she (usually a she) blames older men for these girls' misfortunes. Snot-nosed teenage boys simply love to go along with this stupidity.

Snot-nosed teenage boys, especially sexually promiscuous ones, will falsely accuse adult men of being pedophiles for whatever reason, real or imagined. Usually imagined. In doing so, they'll run around in Batman costumes pretending to be the next Chris Hansen. They'll even go as far as making death threats or committing acts of violence against any adult man who shows even the most modest of romantic interest in a teenage girl.

Snot-nosed teenage boys will act as though sex with underage girls is a legal entitlement for them inasmuch as they are, for the most part, immune to prosecution by the statutory-rape laws in their jurisdiction. They will think nothing of getting a 13- or a 12- or even an 11-year-old girl pregnant and then turning hostile on her insofar as they will blame the young girl for not going on the pill.

These boys' parents are equally as bad, if not worse, because they'll argue that the young girl's parents should have put her on the pill when she was 10 or 11 years old. Teenage boys who fit this same description are despicable. However, whenever an adult man over 21 years of age even has a bouquet of flowers delivered to a 14- or 15-year-old girl that he likes, these teenage punks will pedo-shame him in the most mendacious way possible.

Deadbeat teenage fathers are scum, and they are much worse than suspected online predators who allegedly target pubescent and adolescent girls. A YouTuber once got angry at me for saying so, but my response to him is that he can go fly a kite, because I won't back down from my stance on this topic.

Well, not too long ago a story surfaced on the Internet about a pedophile ring in which a number of teenage boys were involved, and, according to the online periodical publication, these underage boys were involved in it as perpetrators rather than as victims. Also, I'm not describing 18- and 19-year-old dudes. These boys were underage, and they were among the bad guys.

2.  No More Hiding Behind Mommy And Daddy

Shortly after I graduated from high school, my mother and I traveled to Costa Rica to vacation for a little over two weeks. This trip was in the dead of winter. I wanted the opportunity to practice my Spanish before I relocated to New York City, and my mother simply wanted to get away from the bitter cold in that we lived in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States at the time.

Interestingly enough, there was an English-language newspaper in Costa Rica named The Tico Times. This periodical publication had been in business for like forever. Anyhow, I stumbled across a story from that newspaper on the Internet from 2019. It is titled "Teens arrested worldwide, including Costa Rica, as police smash global pedophile ring."

Therein it reported that there was a total of 14 teenage boys arrested in that same investigation. The youngest of them was 15 years old, and they were all younger than 18 years old.

Some adults were arrested too in that same worldwide investigation, but here is the interesting point about this story. Some of the alleged female victims were as old as 11 and 12 years old. Does it mean that the 15- and 16-year-old suspects are pedophiles? According to the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5"), they wouldn't be. Nonetheless, it serves them right that they would be branded as ones.

American newspapers and news agencies are constantly brainwashing the Court of Public Opinion into believing that whenever a 12- or 13-year-old girl goes missing and is found unconscious with evidence of having been brutally raped, it has to have been a middle-aged man who did it. On the other hand, American journalists appear to gravitate toward the misconception that teenage boys can do no wrong.

We all must remember that even though The Tico Times is an English-language newspaper that many Americans living in Costa Rica read online and in printed form, it is going to be more candid about reporting events of a sensitive nature like these than actual American newspapers will. If it were an American newspaper in the United States, the above story about teenage boys being perpetrators in a pedophile ring would likely have never seen the light of day.

According to that true story, it was Spanish authorities that investigated the matter on a worldwide basis. The American authorities never got involved in the matter as far as the story reveals. The arrests for it were made in Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ecuador, Uruguay, Peru, and Costa Rica. The ones arrested in Spain were mostly teenage boys. Underage teenage boys, that is.

The statutory age of consent in Spain is 16 years old. However, I wouldn't doubt that when it comes to the sex laws in that country, the criminal justice system coddles teenage minor boys exactly as the criminal justice system does in the United States. Then again, the events of the above story do show that the Spanish authorities take these situations much more seriously than American authorities do whenever underage perpetrators are involved.

Nowadays 12-year-old girls habitually have 15-year-old, even 16-year-old, boyfriends. All you have to do is go on social media or watch Dr. Phil to know so. At least it is that way here in the United States. Middle-school and high-school boys know that they won't ever likely go to prison for statutory rape so long as they don't get a girl pregnant who is any younger than 12 years old.

The court system here in the land of milk and honey, more often than not, cuts breaks to underage boys in that same age bracket if they get an 11-year-old girl pregnant. He could behave like a monster of all monsters with a girl that young he has gotten pregnant, and somehow there will always seem to be someone in the system who sympathizes with him. It's a miscarriage of justice as far as I'm concerned.

The Romeo-and-Juliet provisions in the American statutory-rape laws make it all possible for teenage minor boys to have sex with whatever underage girl they want to do so and suffer no legal consequences for it. Well, in the incident described above in The Tico Times, none of the 15-, 16-, and 17-year-old suspects in the worldwide pedophile ring are going to be walking away from the criminal charges, because no Romeo-and-Juliet provision is going to be there to bail them out.

These same male teenage suspects are going to be facing the music, whether their families like it or not. That is, if they haven't already been convicted of their crimes. I realize that this arrest took place five years ago, and these teenage boys would now be in their twenties or least close to them.

I don't know how long such criminal cases take to be prosecuted in the countries where the above-described arrests were made. In any event, this was not a simple case of two high-school sweethearts sexting each other.

The pornographic contraband that the Spanish authorities intercepted included images of young girls being brutally raped. I would have to say that it was hardly a situation of adolescents harmlessly experimenting with sex.

After the teenage male suspects were arrested, I'm sure that their parents argued that they were just "children" themselves and were curious. Oh, brother. What these idiots will do to get their sons a get-out-of-jail-free card. They also probably screamed that their sons were not pedophiles. Even if they weren't so from a clinical standpoint, they weren't poster children for good behavior either.

Therein it reports:

Following several tipoffs by email, police discovered “a WhatsApp group formed by minors, in which several participants had normalized the existence of child pornography and the sexual abuse of other minors”.

You can't even trust a teenage boy to babysit your toddler nowadays, because you never know what he's going to do. On the other hand, if a 20- or 30-something-year-old man e-mails a poem to a middle-school or high-school girl, the Court of Public Opinion treats him like a common sex criminal. At least it's that way here in the United States where double standards seem to reign.

The Tico Times article even reported that some of the perpetrators met up with the underage female victims. Hmmm. Is this how high-school boys are getting laid nowadays? It's totally crazy.

3.  Final Thoughts

I have nothing against teenage love. I may not agree that it has to occur within a teenager's peer circles for it to be healthy, but I'm well aware that an adolescent can fall in love as far back as their middle-school years.

I also don't contend that 15-year-old boys getting their rocks off by watching preteen girls getting violently raped on camera is normal adolescent behavior either. The punks in the above pedophile ring were even sexually victimizing newborn babies, so the Romeo-and-Juliet argument has no place in this discussion.

Justice is being served in Spain, if it hasn't already been served. Underage teenage boys were arrested in 2019 for doing the unconscionable. At the same time, the United States continues to be a hypocritical mess regarding its sex laws.

If a man over 21 years old even as so much asks a high-school girl out on a date here in the United States, he will be suspected of criminal intent. On the other hand, a 15-year-old boy can sell child pornography on the Internet and still get off scot-free for it in this crazy nation of ours. If you don't believe me, watch the video below.

A 15-Year-Old Florida Boy Sells Child Pornography With Impunity

This punk won't have to serve even one day behind bars for ruining a 6-year-old child's life. Wow, really swell. Meanwhile, adult men are being locked up for attempting to meet up with teenage girls offline who don't even exist.

I don't want American laws to go back to the days of when 14-year-old boys got prosecuted on charges of statutory rape for having sexual intercourse with 17-year-old girls as what the law used to be in California. However, I don't want predatory teenage boys turning the world into a complete anarchy either.

Just because a young boy may not be shaving yet, it doesn't mean that he's a goody-two-shoes. Americans? Wake up and smell the coffee. It has been brewing for years.

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