Millennial And Gen-X Women? You Made The Monster! So Stop Complaining!

Squarefrog is the creator of this image/Source:   Pixabay

1. TikTok Is Not A Pedophile Hang-Out

I recently stumbled across a video from this one millennial pseudo-feminist named Samantha Lehman who complained that teenage girls and even pre-teenage girls were dressing up sexy and dancing on TikTok. So what? If these young girls have the figure to look appealing on camera, then, apparently, Ms. Lehman, you are envious of them inasmuch as some of them likely have a better figure than you do. Below is the video.

Teenage Girls Will Be Teenage Girls In Spite Of Moral Panics Here In The United States

Now, if we're talking about little kids 10 years old and younger, I fully understand Ms. Lehman's concern. However, in most of her video, she was putting teenage girls in diapers, in metaphoric language, and none of these girls were still in Tanner Stage 1. Yeah, Ms. Lehman showed a video of a 14-year-old girl flaunting off her genetic gifts on camera, but this young girl was practically a full-figured woman.

Are you trying to start a moral panic, Ms. Lehman? It certainly seems so. You're making this whole situation look like a case of a cabal of dirty old men grabbing toddler girls off a playground for highly immoral purposes, when, in reality, it is only a matter of high-school girls and middle-school girls engaging in normal adolescent behavior as you self-righteous do-gooders like to call it.

Ms. Lehman? You wanted to know if a parent would take their 10-year-old kid to a nightclub? Well, actress Ildiko Jade took her then-10-year-old daughter, Drew Barrymore, to The Limelight back in the 1980s. Of course, that's neither here nor there.

The point I'm trying to make here is that pubescence and adolescence are worlds apart from the childhood innocence that everyone knows of in the form of elementary-school children and toddlers. This woman talks as though the 1960s never happened.

It has been decades since middle-school girls played with Mr. Potato Head; and back when they were doing so, it was likely before the toy-manufacturing company included a plastic potato figure with all the other parts that came with it.

In her video above, Ms. Lehman shows these two adolescent girls dancing in a flashy way. She then makes it a point that it's not likely that "buddies" their own age are watching those videos. Well, Ms. Lehman know-it-all?! It's not pedophiles or child predators doing so either. These girls are too old to arouse their interests. That's why they are called pedophiles and child predators.

Of course, Ms. Lehman, you would never take the time to read the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") to learn the actual definition of pedophilia. You'd rather take writer's license with it alongside all of the other semi-illiterates here in the United States.

You are jealous of these girls, Ms. Lehman. Admit it. They're getting more attention from men your age than you are, and you don't know how to deal with it other than pervert-shaming these men and accusing them of being something they are not.

So, Ms. Lehman. The girl at 4:12 of your above video was younger than 15 years old at the time that she filmed herself dancing in an attractive way? Even so, she clearly had a better figure than you have now, and that fact is what really bothers you rather than merely her age and her choices.

If these occurrences on TikTok really bother you, Ms. Lehman, why don't you get together with your girlfriends and plan a way to eliminate the market for these kinds of videos? Of course, then you and your girlfriends would have to change the way you treat men your age or rather mistreat men your age and have done so since such men were adolescents themselves. You femi-Nazis simply want to have your cake and eat it too. It's so not happening!!!

Ms. Lehman? Instead of launching a moral panic as you and colleagues seem to be doing, why don't you change the terrain for men your age finding romantic partners their own age? Of course, you're not going to do anything like that. You like to control our lives and then throw us under the bus as though we are useless merchandise. You would have to give up your hypergamous ways, and you don't want to do it.

Ms. Lehman? All of you pseudo-feminists expect us men to fit the Tony-Danza mold, and then you want us to be as rich as the late Howard Hughes. You're looking for the perfect man who does not exist except in Disney movies. Now it's all backfiring on you, and you simply don't want to face it. It makes me think of the title of the song below.

The Song Titled "Who Has The Last Laugh Now?" By Bloodstone

Ms. Lehman? In your video above, you go dragging out the so-called findings of the American Psychological Association regarding pubescent and adolescent girls' involvement with TikTok, but you say nothing about what initially fueled the trend for girls that age to attract adult men online in the form of the videos that you condemn.

Also, here you femi-Nazis go again, blaming all of the problems of teenage girls and even pre-teenage girls on older men. However, those of you women who are old enough to have 14- or 15-year-old sons don't seem to have a problem with them running around and getting every underage girl pregnant in their neighborhood.

Ms. Lehman? You believe that what you showcased in your video above is the sexualization of "young children"? What exactly is your perception of "young children"?

In 2007, the Dunbar Village Rape involved boys as young as 14 years of age gang-raping a 35-year-old woman. Ms. Lehman? Do you believe that those boys were "young children"? Get your head out of the clouds. Your legion of so-called experts in your video do not impress me in the least.

Ms. Lehman? When you talk about working with parents, to what parents are you exactly referring? In this day and age, most people who fit that same description are single mothers who don't have time for their offspring. Stepfathers are not going to get involved. And who can rightfully blame them? You're living in a white-picket-fence fantasy world that doesn't exist in the United States.

Ms. Lehman? You're speaking as though you're trapped in some 1970s or 1980s time warp. You're not grounded in reality, and no adult man who watches any of these TikTok videos are taking guilt trips merely because you don't approve of their online interests.

2. American Adult Men Are Looking Beyond Their Female Peers To Find Female Companionship

Samantha Lehman received a multitude of responses to her video above in the comments section of it. As I had expected, droves of pedophile-panic fanatics had their love fest and offered no real insight on why pubescent and adolescent girls are taking to the camera to flaunt off their genetic gifts on TikTok. These people simply wanted to whine about it and blame everything on older men as per usual.

Okay. I completely get it. Some of you women want to know why adult men your age are watching TikTok videos of middle-school and high-school girls dancing on camera in a sexy manner rather than going out to bars and nightclubs to seek relationships with women your age. If you really looked hard enough for the answer, you might just find it under your nose. It might not be the answer that you want, but it will be the one you deserve. Watch the video below.

Why American Men Are Giving Up On Women Left And Right

Notice that one of the women interviewed in the video above brings up the topic of TikTok exactly as Samantha Lehman did in her video. What I found particularly interesting about the video above was that its narrator pointed out that most shrinks were single woke feminists. Well, I agree with him only insofar as they are really single woke pseudo-feminists.

There's a big difference between feminists and pseudo-feminists. One thing that you will almost always notice about pseudo-feminists like Samantha Lehman is that whenever they cite the so-called expertise of mental-health professionals, most of those same mental-health professionals are women.

Fact has it that it really doesn't make any difference whenever someone like Ms. Lehman refers to such so-called expertise, because the mental-health profession is currently in decline and can no longer be trusted. Of course, psychiatrists are going to continue to cash in on this moral panic that pseudo-feminists like Ms. Lehman instigate, because the number of Americans who trust them is at a low 38 percent of all Americans.

Another interesting point that the narrator made in the video above was that romance was dead in the West. I presume that he doesn't have any higher of an opinion of marriage here in the West.

American men are going overseas to search for their significant other to date and someday marry. The problem is that not every American man who is single and lonely has the financial means to travel overseas and remain there long enough to get a relationship going. Therefore, it could explain why many of them are spending exorbitant amounts of time online viewing middle-school and high-school girls twerking or dancing in some other exotic way on TikTok.

I really wish that men-hating pseudo-feminists like Ms. Lehman would stop attributing these habits among adult men to paraphilias. It is not pedophilia that is giving adult men the urges to watch adolescent girls dance their backsides off on TikTok. After you read the definition of it in the DSM-5, you'll clearly see that pedophilia has nothing to do with anything here.

It's really the fact that many of these men have been single and lonely since the time that they were teenagers themselves, and it's driving them to take an interest in adolescent girls in the manner that they have done so. Some of them haven't even had a girlfriend in their entire life.

The psychiatrist, the late Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, who conceptualized pedophilia, was nothing more than a self-styled, self-righteous hypocrite himself who had skeletons in the hedonist closet. To know so, all you have to do is listen to Candace Owens' description of him in the video below.

Candace Owens Badmouths The Late Dr. Richard Von Krafft-Ebing

The late Dr. von Krafft-Ebing was undoubtedly another Dr. Hans Asperger. He didn't care about kids, and he didn't care about anyone but himself. His medical license should have been revoked.

After watching Ms. Owens' video above, it was clear that shady shrinks were always looking for inventive ways to create divisions within society based upon even the most minute of differences in sexual behavior. Many of them wished to create entire factions of social outcasts so that they could capitalize on their subsequent predicaments.

As Ms. Owens stated in her video above, psychology is garbage. This fact causes me to question both the professional integrity and the plausibility of the individuals Ms. Lehman quotes in the mental-health profession to support her stance on adolescent sex topics in her video.

I've never witnessed Ms. Owens becoming envious over an adolescent girl. It's because she doesn't spend time obsessing over petty nonsense as Ms. Lehman does. She has bigger fish to fry. She's not insecure about her own sexuality as Ms. Lehman is about hers. These pseudo-feminists like Ms. Lehman are the ones who need to grow up and get a life rather than the men they disparage.

Fact has it that teenage girls are beautiful, and adult men notice them. Also, teenage girls know it. For that reason, they know they can rake in tons of views on TikTok. It's a caveman fantasy for adult men to admire teenage girls' bodies, and it has been there long before TikTok ever came about.

Serhiy Lvivsky is the author of this photograph/Source:

3. Final Thoughts

I'm not a big fan of TikTok. I rarely ever watch anything on that platform. It bothers me that the People's Republic of China owns it and that they harvest Americans' most personal information from it.

Nonetheless, I would like to take the example of The Netherlands as a nation that became so overwhelmed with Draconian sex laws that both the Dutch people and their courts began to ignore these same laws. In the 1980s, the statutory age of consent in The Netherlands was 21 years old. However, Dutch teenagers were not waiting to have sex because of it.

What is so interesting is that The Netherlands has no jury trials. Therefore, it was judges that were becoming lax about enforcing these same laws. Jury nullification played no role in that trend. Finally, that nation lowered its statutory age of consent to 16 years old and allowed for 12-to-15-year old individuals to have veto power in such matters in 1990.

The United States may go in the same direction as The Netherlands did because of carnal-knowledge cases of this nature flooding court dockets throughout the nation insofar as it has created an environment of resentment among those who are adversely affected by the same laws. And, no. I am not describing pedophile-rights activism, so please don't take this discussion in that direction. It has nothing to do with it.

No matter how much pseudo-feminists like Samantha Lehman can run their mouths about the so-called harms of adolescent girls providing controversial entertainment on TikTok to older men, there is one point of mine that Ms. Lehman cannot refute. If these men are really as dangerous as she believes them to be, at least they're not running around in PornHub vans, kidnapping and gang-raping 14-year-old girls. They're too busy watching girls that age twerk on TikTok.

It's a no-contact type of entertainment. Adult men have been admiring the beauty of teenage girls since the beginning of time. Nobody is getting sexually molested or even groomed. Everything is voluntary. Pseudo-feminists need to take their pedophile-panic politics and mind their own business.

If a group of women who used to be one of these same pubescent or adolescent girls on TikTok decide to start a movement to ban these forms of activity from social media, then that will be a different story. In the meantime, let people have their fun.

If a middle-school or high-school girl already has breasts with a big bust line, a well-developed figure, and hair on the field, she's clearly no longer at an age in which she is playing jump rope, hop scotch, or tiddlywinks. She has matured on to bigger and better things. If she wants to grab the attention of men outside her peer groups, it's her choice.

Given the current situation with the gloomy probability of a millennial or Gen-X man finding love within his own peer circles here in the United States, it can only be expected that he is either going to go overseas to find that one special girl who will marry him and have his children or he will stay home and watch middle-school and high-school girls show them what they've got on TikTok. It all depends on whether or not he can afford to expatriate.

Millennial and Gen-X pseudo-feminists? If you believe that this trend is a problem, then don't complain about it when the fault is your own. Normal, healthy, sound men are finding teenage girls more attractive than you. DEAL WITH IT!

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