Another Men-Hating Pseudo-Feminist Gets The Definition Of Pedophilia Wrong

1.   Introduction

Here we go again. Another men-hating pseudo-feminist gets the definition of "pedophile" and "pedophilia" wrong. This woman is not even American, and yet she believes that she knows so much about the United States. Nobody knows as much about a given country or nation other than the natives of that country or nation.

Before I call out this self-styled social-justice warrior on her nonsense, I will proceed to provide you with the background of the news story that she misconstrued to her audience as something that it was not. Below is a news clip about a gentleman in his forties named Jeremy Jay Guthrie who got into trouble for getting his teenage sweetheart pregnant in New Mexico. Watch the video below.

Police Arrest A 41-Year-Old Man For Getting His Teenage Girlfriend Pregnant

All right. I'm not going to make this man out to be Goldilocks, because I realize that he crossed some forbidden lines in the American culture. On the other hand, the story about him and his forbidden teenage girlfriend would not even make the news if it had happened in Germany or Austria where people don't waste their time on tabloid gossip.

Anyhow, there is this one YouTuber who goes by the user name of Anja X TV. As I must stress again, she is not even an American; but she obsesses over anything that she perceives to be taboo in the American culture. Now, I'm not bashing her for commenting on a news story that happened in a nation other than her own nation of origin. However, she slants the story to make it seem as though this Jeremy Jay Guthrie kidnapped a toddler from a playground for lewd purposes, whereas this was really a case in which an adolescent girl became willingly involved with a middle-aged man and became pregnant with his baby.

2.   A Men-Hating Pseudo-Feminist Rant

YouTuber Anja X TV demonizes Jeremy Jay Guthrie into some kind of dangerously violent sex fiend, and she gets a great number of facts about the incident involving him and an adolescent girl wrong. Watch the video below to hear what she has to say.

YouTuber Anja X TV Slants And Sensationalizes The News Story About Jeremy Jay Guthrie

Now, I have never encouraged any 12- or 13-year-old girl to get involved in a sexual relationship with a man in his forties. I don't even encourage a girl that young to become sexually active in the first place with anyone of any age. However, I do not live in the white-picket-fence fantasy world of brain-dead pseudo-intellectuals that believe that girls that age still play with crayons and spend time in the sandbox at a playground. I also do not live in the Puritanical bubble of dunces who believe that sexually active girls that age only seek out relationships with boys their own age. At the same time, although I may not be a major fan of the American statutory-age-of-consent laws, I recognize that anyone who defies them runs the risk of experiencing the full wrath of the law.

Nevertheless, I do not view what Mr. Guthrie did as anything more than civil disobedience. He did not forcibly rape the young girl he got pregnant. YouTuber Anja X TV sensationalizes this news story into a saga about the evil older man who only had one thing on his mind when he became involved in a relationship with an adolescent girl who was on the opposite side of the legal age line from him.

You can clearly see from YouTuber Anja X TV's video above that she is waging a war against all men. She also is one of those narrow-minded individuals that believe that adult men are the cause of all teenage girls' problems.

If you search hard enough on YouTube, you may come across a few videos here and there of talk shows from the 1990s and the earlier part of the twenty-first century wherein adolescent girls at 13 or 14 years old interviewed about the fact that they began dating men in their thirties and forties; and none of them appeared to have any complaints about their relationships. Some of these talk shows may even have had the older boyfriends they were dating at the time on camera, and these men didn't project any undesirable traits in their personalities.

I specifically remember watching an episode of Sally in which a 13-year-old girl described her relationship with a 40-year-old man to talk show host Sally Jessy Raphael. She didn't look unhappy or trapped.

The American culture in general may never change its adverse stance on cross-generational relationships between adult men and adolescent girls, but it doesn't mean that any of us more intelligent individuals have to buy into all the rhetoric that men-hating pseudo-feminists like YouTuber Anja X TV try to feed the public. I, for one, prefer facts over fear!

First of all, the title of YouTuber Anja X TV's video above itself is deceiving. She titles it "Jeremy Jay Guthrie A Danger To All Children." According to science, there is no such thing as a pubescent or adolescent child. A child is biologically defined as someone before puberty. Almost everything she presents in her video reeks with stupidity on her part in that she slants the facts to suit her own narrative.

YouTuber Anja X TV does speak words of wisdom when she tells her audience not to watch her video. That's really good advice, because her video does nothing to educate the public; and it is nothing more than a propaganda piece. The fact alone that she recommends that Mr. Guthrie be forced to take Lupron only goes to show you how much of a men-hating pseudo-feminist she is.

When YouTuber Anja X TV provides pictures from Mr. Guthrie's Instagram account, she only proves that he is not the big bad wolf that she ultimately depicts him to be. She quotes posted comments from the usual love fest of social-justice warriors who insist that they know so much about Mr. Guthrie when they are only looking for inventive ways to demonize him.

Now, I have some idea what many of you are thinking. When you look at a picture of Mr. Guthrie, he doesn't exactly look like the next Brad Pitt. It does present a mystery on how adolescent girls as young as 12 years old gravitate toward him.

Second of all, YouTuber Anja X TV is critical of anyone who may see Mr. Guthrie in a different light from the negative way that she perceives him. She complains that Judge Jill Martinez agreed with Mr. Guthrie's criminal defense attorney that his actions don't rise to the level of felony child abuse.

An online article indicates that Judge Martinez did not agree with Mr. Guthrie's criminal defense lawyer, but she decided to release him anyway. What YouTuber Anja X TV also got wrong in her video was that the oldest youngster in Mr. Guthrie's vehicle at the time of his arrest was 14 years old, whereas the article states that the oldest one was 18 years old. Get your facts straight, YouTuber Anja X TV.

Now, I don't dispute that Mr. Guthrie isn't a poster child for wholesome perfection, and I seriously doubt that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will ever hire him as their next president. However, he does not even come close to being a child rapist. It does not do justice for YouTuber Anja X TV to misrepresent him as the next Philip Garrido or Donald James Smith.

YouTuber Anja X TV keeps repeating the word "rape" over and over again in her narrative, but she never really offers any evidence that the 13-year-old girlfriend that Mr. Guthrie got pregnant had anything with him beyond a willing relationship, as unconventional as it may sound. The girl's actions clearly exhibit that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He and the girl were even texting each other while he was locked up in jail.

YouTuber Anja X TV runs her mouth about her contention that he groomed her. Hmmmm. Why is it that people like her always bring this same point up, but they are never on board with the notion of elected officials changing the laws so that American prosecutors would have the burden of proving that grooming took place in a sexual encounter between an adult man and an adolescent girl before being able to secure a statutory-rape conviction or the like instead of basing a defendant's culpability strictly on the age-related math? I guess that they simply like to have their cake and eat it too.

Now did Mr. Guthrie have a healthy relationship with the young girl? Probably not. However, if he and that girl had both been the same age, there still would have been problems in their relationship. I get it that the girl was still 12 years old when he got her pregnant, and she may be pregnant again. However, promiscuity and sexual assault are two different things, and YouTuber Anja X TV fails to recognize it. She is mostly on a warpath against the entire male population of the world in her narrative.

The 13-year-old girl's grandmother, Rhonda Campbell, displayed hostility in her voice whenever she spoke about Mr. Guthrie in interviews in which she participated. It is only to be expected, because, like many women in her generation, she expects all men to be like Tony Danza and marry their high-school sweetheart right after graduation; and she likely wants her teenage granddaughter to date a teenage hunk instead.

YouTuber Anja X TV does reveal that Mr. Guthrie is a potential polygamist. It still doesn't make him a child rapist. So he can't keep it in his pants. The three adolescent girls who are allegedly his victims could have easily walked away from their involvement with him. Nobody was holding any of them against their will.

A statement that YouTuber Anja X TV makes in her video that strongly identifies her as a men-hating pseudo-feminist is where she states, "Men like to stick together. They protect each other." Then she rambles on about how men always have each other's back whenever one of them is in trouble with the law for a sexually based offense involving a female minor. I'm sure that there are plenty of manginas out there who are willing to serve her agenda.

YouTuber Anja X TV's biggest screw-up in her video is when she accuses Mr. Guthrie of being a pedophile. She could not be any more wrong than she is in making that defamatory statement about him. The Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") specifies that in order for someone to be a pedophile, that person must be sexually attracted to a prepubescent child that is still in Tanner Stage 1 of their bodily development.

The cutoff point in the DSM-5 is normally under 13 years old as the oldest age for a minor to be a prospective object of a pedophile's desire. However, from what I have researched, that cutoff point shifts down to under 11 years old if that minor is in Tanner Stage 2 or higher. The adolescent twins that Mr. Guthrie is accused of becoming intimately involved with both had to be in at least Tanner Stage 2 or higher if the questions of pregnancy factored into the equation.

Like a typical men-hating pseudo-feminist, YouTuber Anja X TV belittles anyone who disagrees with her. In her video, she even goes as far as showcasing posted comments that challenged her school of thought on this matter. For example, some of the people that commented on social media about the incident stressed that these girls were not still in the crayons-and-playground phase of their lives and were, therefore, not really victims. One of those people commented that the American statutory-age-of-consent laws needed to be reformed inasmuch as they were too harsh and unrealistic.

The comments section to YouTuber X TV's video is, for the most part, another echo chamber that is virtually devoid of any information that could educate the public of the actual facts. However, there was one YouTuber who goes by the user name of bobzilla6759 whose comment made perfect sense. Therein he states:

I hate to break the news to y'all, but girls are having sex by 11 years old on average. When I was a Teen, it was around 14 or 15. It has become increasingly younger and younger over the years. Sad fact is most parents don't Supervise their kids like they should. Those girls knew d--- well what they were doing. School leaves nothing to the imagination these days.

Why is it so hard for even the most averagely intelligent Americans to come to an awareness that what YouTuber bobzilla6759 stated in his comment is the brutally honest truth? Now, I'm not here to encourage any parent into allowing their 12- or 13-year-old daughter to go on social media to search for a middle-aged boyfriend to get her pregnant. However, the above-described matter involving Mr. Guthrie was not a case in which childcare providers at a daycare center sexually molested a group of preschoolers.

The adolescent girls who became sexually involved with Mr. Guthrie had full agency to decide whether or not they wanted to be involved with him. Nobody is putting angel wings on him. They are merely pointing out that he is not the dangerous sexual deviant that the mainstream media and the authorities make him out to be.

YouTuber Anja X TV fails to show her professionalism as a content creator when she states in the comments section of her video that she wants prison inmates to brutalize Mr. Guthrie. Wow! I'm sure that his young son will be happy to read her comment. Men-hating pseudo-feminists like her always find it easy to run their mouths about men being violently assaulted in prison, because these women know they will never have to see the inside of a men's correctional facility themselves.

YouTuber Anja X TV takes her narrative down a very dark pathway when she reveals that she will be working on a project about M.A.P.s (Minor-Attracted People). Oh, how I hate that term, because it is so phony and it misleads people to believe that an adult man who falls in love with an adolescent girl and pursues a future with her is no different from some wacko who snatches a 3-year-old girl from a playground and sodomizes her. It falls within the same flawed mindset as saying that every Salvadorian is a loyal member of the MS-13 gang or every German and Austrian is a neo-Nazi.

As you probably already realize, I will definitely not be subscribing to YouTuber Anja X TV's YouTube channel. Putting it kindly, that is. Fact has it that an adult man can fall in love with an adolescent girl and go as far as pursuing a future with her without ever crossing over the line of being a sexual predator or a child molester. Unfortunately, individuals like YouTuber Anja X TV are too stubborn to acknowledge such a fact.

American societal norms may not agree with actual scientific facts regarding this same topic, but people are beginning to catch on to reality and reject the ignorance of the Puritanical Establishment. The elephant in the room is the 14-percent illiteracy rate in the United States that causes people to believe that pedophilia includes adult men who have non-Platonic feelings for adolescent girls, when it really doesn't. YouTuber Anja X TV and others like her do not help the situation.

In the comments section of her video, YouTuber Anja X TV does bring up the topic of father/daughter incest in her reply to another YouTuber's comment. She notes that such an occurrence was tragic in that the described daughter was a child when it took place. Okay. I do agree with her on that one point. However, in figurative language, instead of her running a campaign to raise the statutory age of consent to 35 years old everywhere in the world, why doesn't she do something truly noble and start a campaign to outlaw parental testamentary freedom? That is, push for legislation that would make it illegal for abusive parents to disinherit their children?

Why won't YouTuber Anja X TV and her followers wage a war against parental testamentary freedom? The reason is because, like most self-proclaimed child advocates, they are hypocrites. It is a disgrace that in most jurisdictions of the United States, a father who abuses or even rapes his daughter when she is a little girl still has the legal right to cut her out of his will in the event that she reports him to the authorities. It makes you lose faith in this same nation's promise of freedom and democracy.

In the comments section of another YouTube video regarding Mr. Guthrie, a YouTuber stated that he or she thought that a statutory age of consent of 18 years old was reasonable anywhere in the United States. If it were so reasonable, these laws wouldn't be causing as much problems as they have.

3.   Learning The Hard Way

Now, I'm not here to direct any hate against YouTuber Anja X TV or anyone who agrees with her. To me, she is merely someone who simply has not yet gotten the opportunity to see the light. However, it does not mean that someday she will not wake up and smell the coffee.

Once upon a time back in 2007, there was a 35-year-old Haitian woman living with her 12-year-old son in what was called the Dunbar Village in West Palm Beach, Florida. Like YouTuber Anja X TV and as a mother of a 12-year-old, this woman probably thought that the American statutory-age-of-consent laws were the greatest ones in the world. That is, she likely thought so until the tragic day arrived that a group of teenage boys illegally gained access to her residence and gang-raped her.

The youngest of this woman's assailants was 14 years old. His name was Avion Lawson. He and his accomplices forced her to have sexual intercourse with her 12-year-old son.

What is even more outrageous is that if you read a publication titled The Paradox of Statutory Rape by Christopher L. Russell and Kathryn Hope Russell, you will be appalled to learn that an adult woman who falls victim to a rape at the hands of a minor below the statutory age of consent in her jurisdiction can easily be prosecuted for statutory rape despite that the violent sexual assault against her was not her fault. Yes, it is merely a legal convention for prosecutors not to charge adult women with statutory rape after a minor below the statutory age of consent has forcibly raped them. However, they could still do so if they so desired with or without the public's approval.

Nevertheless, why don't we see this whole topic from a bird's eye view? YouTuber Anja X TV continues to refer to minors between 12 and 14 years of age as being children. However, here is the point. I am sure that when Avion Lawson was forcibly penetrating his 14-year-old penis into the vagina of the above-described 35-year-old Dunbar Village rape victim back in 2007, at no time did she believe that what he was doing to her was an act of childhood innocence. Afterwards, she had to have known the difference between a 14-year-old minor and a 7-year-old child.

Hopefully, nothing this tragic will ever happen to YouTuber Anja X TV. However, in the unlikely event that it does, I seriously doubt that she will be referring to minors between 12 and 14 years of age as being "children" from that point on. I would never want her to be the one to learn the hard way. The sad part of it all is that she may not learn at all, and that makes her an even greater danger to society than Mr. Guthrie could ever be.

What is so scary is that YouTuber Anja X TV has so much in common with the above-described Dunbar Village rape victim. Like her, she is black and she has a foreign accent. Like her, she apparently bases her viewpoints on her emotions rather than on facts. She is someone who has not confronted the facts as they are yet.

4.   Conclusion

Our brainwashed mainstream media is showering its intellectually bankrupt dogma onto the public, and it is seeping into the impressionable minds of content creators on social media. None of us have to be one-sided on the topic of underage sex. However, we don't have to be gullible either.

YouTuber Anja X TV may get the views that she wants and the subscribers that she seeks. However, she is out of touch with reality, and she compounds her being so in believing that her opinions trump other people's opinions regarding the truth about Jeremy Jay Guthrie and the likes.

A good way to form your own opinions on some of the most controversial topics like this one is to read and listen to all the different viewpoints there are out there on them. I know how you feel. I miss how life used to be also when I was an adolescent. However, with each generation of teenagers and pre-teenagers comes a new set of challenges and issues.

Knee-jerk reactions will not fulfill our desires for a better nation (the United States) and a better world. Only facts will. People like YouTuber Anja X TV cannot be relied upon to provide facts.

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