A Dumb Cop Gets The Definition Of Pedophilia Wrong

Pixel868 is the author of this picture.

1. Introduction

When does the pedophile-panic propaganda stop? I guess I should not be surprised that an officer of the law would take writer's license with the definition of pedophilia. After all, it brings business his way, and self-proclaimed child advocates and social-justice warriors simply love watching someone get wrongfully branded as a pedophile.

The other day I was surfing around on YouTube, and I came across a video by Nick Johnson about the worst places in Florida to live. One of those places was Pasco County, Florida. Then I watched a video of his specifically about Pasco County, Florida, and he described it as a redneck war zone. Nevertheless, I subsequently came across this one video in which Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco claimed that four men had absorbed a 15-year-old girl into a human-trafficking ring.

After watching the video from beginning to end, I could clearly see that these same four men were not poster children for good behavior; and I will not attempt to misrepresent them as such. They did involve trickery in their persuasion tactics to get this young girl to do certain unpleasant things of which she was unaware of their true intentions. At the same time, Sheriff Nocco kept referring to this almost-16-year-old girl as a little girl.

I would hardly say that a 15- or 16-year-old girl is still wearing Pampers at that point in her life, and I seriously doubt that she watches Saturday morning cartoons or plays with crayons and coloring books. Many girls that age are even full-figured women. Nonetheless, Sheriff Nocco kept throwing the words "pedophile" and "pedophilia" around blindly as though these four men were clones of the late John Couey and Donald James Smith. It became annoying to hear him do so after a while.

I can appreciate the argument that the alleged teenage "victim" in this case was being dragged down a pathway that could have been similar to that of the late Amanda Todd, although it still would have been nowhere nearly as tragic as that of Ms. Todd. However, throughout Sheriff Nocco's speech to the press and the media, he gave indication that this young girl could have walked away from her undesirable situation any time she wanted to do so. Watch the video below and you'll see what I mean.

A Dumb Cop Tries To Misconstrue A Lolita Incident As A Heinous Act Of Pedophilia

Randy Coffelt, Jr., Sidney Smith, Branden Sarno, and John Kehinde were all four arrested for human trafficking, among other things. I completely get it. These four men were taking nude photographs of a 15-year-old girl and distributing copies of them all over the Internet behind her back. I clearly understand that none of them are model citizens, to say the least. In that respect, I guess you could accuse them of being predators.

Where I start to have a major problem with Sheriff Nocco is when he pushes his misleading narrative that pedophiles would want to receive these nude photographs. Pedophiles are not seeking out sexual gratification from adolescent girls. Pedophiles normally prey on prepubescent children that are generally under 13 years of age (under 11 years of age in certain circumstances). Otherwise, they are not pedophiles.

The moment that Sheriff Nocco throws words like "pedophile" and "pedophilia" into his narrative, he shoots his own credibility in the foot. Now, when he mentions that Randy Coffelt, Jr. was keeping a collection of pornographic pictures of toddlers, ages 2 to 6, it is then that he has the right to accuse Mr. Coffelt of being a pedophile. Mr. Coffelt needs an exorcist.

A mainstream mental-health professional would likely diagnose Mr. Coffelt with pedophilia, because he is also sexually attracted to prepubescent children. Now, I detest what the other three suspects did to the 15-year-old girl, and I won't make excuses for their behavior. However, as much as it pains me to realize that criminals also have rights, I must stress that Sheriff Nocco accusing these three men of being pedophiles is opening the Pasco County Sheriff's Office up to a defamation-of-character lawsuit.

I agree with Sheriff Nocco's statement that we can never live in a society where pedophilia is normal. However, before he can even do just battle against pedophilia, he needs to get the definition of it right.

It's interesting how Sheriff Nocco simply loves terms like "grooming." However, he and others like him need to own it and stop opposing statutory-rape-law-reform activists from seeking to change the laws so that prosecutors would be required to meet a burden-of-proof to establish that an alleged underage victim was actually groomed.

2. Bad Publicity For Law Enforcement In Pasco County And Florida In General

Sheriff Nocco has already gotten himself into hot water with the civil courts in the past, and he's far from having a squeaky clean record as an officer of the law. All you have to do to know so is view the video below.

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco Gets Named In Civil Litigation

Sheriff Nocco refers to the nude photographs of the alleged 15-year-old "victim," who is now 16 years old, as child pornography. Okay, Sheriff Nocco. From a purely legal standpoint, you are correct. However, you are not talking about the kind of child pornography that sent Josh Duggar away to prison. You're talking about more of a Traci-Lords thing instead. In principle, the nude photographs of the teenage girl should really be called teenage pornography instead of child pornography in that there is a world of a difference between the two.

This teenage girl was not a child-molestation victim but rather an adolescent girl whose improvident choices took her down a dark pathway. Apparently, this girl had problems that pre-dated her involvement with the four above-aforementioned suspects. For example, she was clearly into drugs. Some jurors might not view her as a victim for that same reason if her case goes to trial.

How this alleged victim avoided becoming pregnant is beyond my comprehension. Then again, teenage girls who engage in this sort of activity with older men seldom ever seem to become pregnant for one reason or another. Therefore, all the so-called experts cannot be right that older men rather than underage boys are the cause of teenage pregnancy in the United States of America.

A YouTuber who goes by the user name of The Blackpilled Joker expresses his hatred and hostility against teenage girls who use drugs. His real name is Isaac Mathew Holmes. Watch his video below.

Isaac Matthew Holmes Expresses His Animosity Against Teenage Girls For Engaging In Dangerous Vices

Now, I wouldn't go as far as agreeing with everything that Mr. Holmes states in his video above. However, I would agree with him that the majority of Floridian teenage girls are not prime candidates to become nuns. Many adolescent girls in Florida like to let the good times roll, but it doesn't make them evil. It just makes them well beyond the crayons-and-playground phase of their life.

Florida is already in the doghouse regarding its sex laws pertaining to sexually active adolescents and the lack of fairness that these same laws project to the public. The German court system has already denounced Florida for human-rights violations in relation to Floridian sex laws after Steven Robert Whitsett turned to them for legal protection from the Floridian authorities. Watch Mr. Whitsett's video below.

Steven Robert Whitsett Explains How The German Court System Protected From Him Florida's Oppressive Sex Laws

Mr. Whitsett is an American citizen, and he currently lives in Germany. He will be applying for German citizenship in May 2024, and he will eventually be seeking to renounce his United States citizenship.

3. Florida's Notorious Reputation Regarding Teenagers And Sex Laws

The Florida juvenile-justice system and Floridian society have both always had a strange relationship with sexually active teenage girls (ages 12 to 17 years old). In 1853, Colonel Abraham Charles Myers, age 42, married a 15-year-old girl named Marion Twiggs, and Fort Myers was named in honor of Colonel Myers.

Back in 1992, a Florida court set a precedent that gave underage adolescent girls a certain amount of input in the outcome of statutory-rape cases in which they were named as alleged victims. I am not sure whether this precedent remains good law to this very day, but it turned the tide for a number of defendants in carnal-knowledge cases involving adolescent minors throughout Florida in a positive way.

In his speech to the press and the media above, Sheriff Nocco continues to make a big deal about the suspect Randy Coffelt, Jr. telling the alleged 15-year-old victim (now 16 years old) that he had no problem with the fact that he was 44 years old and that she was of high-school age. Is he expecting others to be shocked?

If Mr. Coffelt grew up and lived his entire life in a rough place like Pasco County, then certainly his standards and values are going to be different from someone from elsewhere. I'm not looking to put angel wings on Mr. Coffelt, but facts are facts.

In a number of other nations, a 15-year-old girl is legally above the statutory age of consent. In some nations, she is even legally old enough for marriage. No nation is as Puritanical as the United States of America.

Also, I read an online article so many years ago in which a 34-year-old Alabama woman had wedded her 63-year-old husband back in 1983 when she was only 14 years old and he was 43 years old. What stood out about the interview was that the 34-year-old Alabama woman didn't want the interviewer, Karen Tolkkinen, to reveal the identity of her and her family to the world, because she knew how dangerous haters could be regarding age-gap relationships of that nature.

Well, thanks to dumb cops like Sheriff Nocco, people like that Alabama woman and her husband have to live in constant fear in that people will wrongfully equate the older husband to deviants like Randy Coffelt, Jr. You can get the details from my online article.

4. Older Men Are Not The Cause Of All Teenage Girls' Problems

In his speech above, Sheriff Nocco talks as though older men are the cause of all teenage girls' problems. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Underage boys have been trafficking teenage girls for years.

If anyone believes that all underage boys behave like saints in the company of adolescent girls, they obviously did not see the 2001 movie titled Things Behind The Sun. Underage boys can act worse than adult men in the company of adolescent girls, because they know that society and the law go much easier on them than they do on adult men for identical sexually-based offenses.

After you listen to Sheriff Nocco's speech to the press and the media in the news clip herein, one major detail that you will notice is that one of the suspects, Randy Coffelt, Jr., threatened the above-aforementioned alleged then-15-year-old victim that if she didn't pose nude for photographs, he would find other girls to do so. In other words, this young girl could have walked away from her unpleasant situation any time that she wanted to do so. She could have told Mr. Coffelt, "Go ahead and find other girls to pose nude. I'm out of here!"

Eventually, the alleged then-15-year-old victim did walk away from the situation and contacted the authorities. However, when Bristol Palin was 16 years old, Levi Johnston did not give her that same opportunity upon forcibly raping her. And to believe that this bozo actually ran for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska back in 2011.

If I were to accuse Levi Johnston of being a pedophile for having raped Bristol Palin when she was only 16 years old, his family would accuse me of being politically incorrect for doing so inasmuch as he is only four months older than Bristol Palin. Moreover, the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") indicates that he would not qualify to be a pedophile.

Then again, Sidney Smith, Branden Sarno, and John Kehinde all three don't qualify to be pedophiles, because their alleged victim, like Bristol Palin, was too old to be an object of pedophilia at the time of her reported victimization. It's as simple as that.

For one reason or another, in the American culture, society and the law don't seem to take peer-to-peer forcible rapes among adolescents as seriously as they take incidents of any adult man dipping even slightly below the statutory age of consent in his sexual pursuits. Whenever a 15-year-old boy violently rapes a 13- or 14-year-old girl, such a crime gets less press-and-media coverage than a situation in which a man over 21 years old has a secret romance with a high-school girl that involves sexual intimacy

Some of you may argue that because adolescent boys under 18 years old are minors, then society and the law should go easier on them in any event than they would on adult men who become sexually involved with adolescent girls below the statutory age of consent. However, such a school of thought does not make female adolescent girls feel any less victimized than they would if they had somehow fallen prey to an adult man in an act of sexual violence.

This same double standard can be observed as far back as 1975 when a 41-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy both raped then-12-year-old Kathy Shelton. The 41-year-old perpetrator was eventually convicted of the crime, but the 15-year-old perpetrator was allowed to go free and was never punished for what he did.

Somehow back then society and the law thought that there was nothing wrong with an adolescent boy forcing himself on an adolescent girl inasmuch as there was only a three-year age difference between them both. However, Ms. Shelton suffered immensely from the rape, and her life was ruined.

The criminal defense attorney for the 41-year-old perpetrator was none other than former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Yep. The same woman who believes that adolescent girls should not be legally allowed to get married at 17 years old or younger.

5. Pedophilia Easily Becomes A Misnomer In The Hands Of The Criminal Justice System And The Mainstream Media

In the press conference in the first video above, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody gives her speech to all the journalists present. I do not dislike her, because I have watched her give interviews on television and she does seem to be passionate about what she does in her capacity as the highest prosecutor in her state jurisdiction. However, there is another half of me that believes that she may be another Lauren Book, and I don't mean so in a positive way.

Attorney General Moody claims that Randy Coffelt, Jr. used his love and affection to gain control of the alleged then-15-year-old victim. I guess if a pimp can do so, then anyone has that capability. Where she goes off on a tangent is where she continues to describe the teenage girl as though she is still in her crayons-and-playground phase of life. That is, she refers to her as a child.

Despite what the law may say about someone being an adult or a child, many English dictionaries define a child as a boy or a girl before puberty. Attorney General Moody takes her narrative too far upon misusing her own children to support her example, because her children are not yet adolescents.

Now, I'm not going to go accusing Attorney General Moody of being stupid. That description would not befit her. Perhaps she feels that she has to see the world and adolescents through her rose-colored glasses so that her constituents will take her seriously. Who can really say?

Nevertheless, this one dunce who was a journalist asked this one bald-headed man who wore eyeglasses probably the most stupid question anyone could ask him. Then again, the bald-headed man with eyeglasses wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch himself either. I was unable to catch his name or his profession in the video.

Anyhow, the said journalist asked if pedophiles knew they were pedophiles. Now, if he were talking about only about Randy Coffelt, Jr., then I would have had no problem with his line of questioning. However, he and the bald-headed man both talk as though an adult man being sexually attracted to teenage girls also constitutes pedophilia, which clearly falls short of the DSM-5 criteria regarding such a paraphilia.

I presume that the bald-headed man is another dumb cop like Sheriff Nocco. During the conversation, he runs his mouth about how pedophiles know what they are and how they only set out to make excuses. My response to his statement is that if he deliberately calls someone a pedophile who is not so, that person does have the right to sue him for defamation of character even if that individual is a convicted felon, period.

Where the bald-headed man's narrative completely falls apart is when he stresses that all four above-described suspects knew that the teenage girl was a "child." Once again English dictionaries do not agree on whether or not a teenager is still a child. Now, stupid online influencers are claiming that men who pursue relationships with 18- and 19-year-old women are also pedophiles, when nothing could be any further from the truth. Even Dr. Ray Blanchard is more reasonable in his perception of pedophilia than these people are, and that's not saying much about them.

Upon hearing this bald-headed man shove his pedophile-panic agenda down everyone's throat, it brings to mind a concern I have in view of the Dunbar Village Rape that took place back in 2007. This incident involved underage boys brutally raping a 35-year-old Haitian woman and forcing her and her 12-year-old son into sexual atrocities. Reverend Al Sharpton did the unthinkable and actually supported these goons' criminal defense.

What this same incident brings to mind is what do we call minors who rape adults? Should we call them "adult rapists" or "adult molesters"? What next? Where does all of this sensationalistic madness end?

A victims advocate also participated in the above-described press conference in Pasco County, Florida. I will not badmouth her, but I will voice my concern that I have always viewed people in this field of work to be wolves in sheep's clothing for the reasons set forth in Jason B Truth's online article titled "Most Child Advocates Are Hypocrites, If Not Phonies."

6. Conclusion And Final Thoughts

I realize that police officers and the likes don't have the easiest job in the world. However, whenever they appear at a press conference, in court, on television, or in a public forum, they need to be accurate with their definition of "pedophile" and "pedophilia." The misuse of such medical terminology causes more harm than good to society.

While I will not defend what the four above-aforementioned suspects did to the alleged then-15-year-old female victim, I'm not going to ignore the fact that these individuals do have legal rights. I'm all for an effective criminal justice system, but I also do not believe that law-enforcement officials should put people in their line of fire either whether it be in the form of pedophile-panic propaganda or mistreating sex-offender registrants who have paid their debt to society.

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