Crazy Days and Nights & Hollywood Hypocrisy


In one of many moments in my life where some information falls into my lap at an opportune time, someone I follow on twitter shared a post from @EntyLawyer, the anonymous blogger and lawyer who runs the site Crazy Days and Nights, where he posts daily "blinds" of hollywood rumors and dirt.

For those who aren't familiar with it, this is a good write up on it:

I had read a couple of threads on this site years ago, back when I first heard rumors that Robert Downey Jr. was one of Enty's insiders who also posts on the site. Even though RDJ's reps have denied his, it's still fun to imagine he's a contributer, especially since there are more than one blog post from "Himmmm" that pretty blatantly insinuate that is who he is. Whether it's a larp or real life, who knows.

Enty does have a reputation for revealing many of the scandals that have come out as true years before the public knew about them. Getting reaquainted with his site right before the Golden Globes aired felt serendipitous. Enty supposedly had a few of his friends at the Globes and after parties, and the Monday after was a glorious dump of all kinds of juicy info.

I'm not typically one to waste my time on a bunch of gossip but this is feeling too relevant these days. Just like I happened to be aware of and reading the Wikileaks Podesta dump early enough to see all of those suggestive emails for myself and be completely on board with #pizzagate, and just like I happened to stumble on #QAnon at Halloween early enough to see that it was worth paying attention to, getting reacquainted with Enty's blog is feeling a little serendipitous.

Between Enty and An Open Secret on twitter, there was lots of pointing out of hypocrisy during the Golden Globes, which actors were wearing Times Up pins while also avoiding talking about their own rumored indiscretions (Hello, James Franco!) or actors embracing the cause while simultaneously jumping at the chance to work with Woody Allen.



In light of all of this, this blind reveal from last month really got to me:

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. X

There are women who narrowly escaped assault, and others who fell victim. You've got Rose McGowen championing #MeToo while ignoring and blocking anyone who questions her willingness to work with pedophile Victor Salva. You've got the Meryl's and Oprah's acting like strong women while still remaining silently complicit to the bad behavior of some of these men.


The top guesses for this blind? Oprah and Weinstein.


I want to talk about the other women who did said yes participated in this perverted system. Every human is his or her own circumstantial situation - I imagine there were many women who felt too weak to push back and have tried to make the best of their lives and careers in spite of humiliating past experiences. That must have been what most of old Hollywood was like for actresses. But then you've also got the actresses who know the game they are signing up to play and willingly prostitute themselves for a piece of the pie. Spend a few days with Enty and you'll wonder how many of these actresses got their starts as escorts, or used their celebrity status to continue to sell themselves for some extra cash the same way other celebrities make appearances at parties or events for an easy paycheck.

When some of these women come forward and start telling honest stories then I'll feel like we are on the road to healing. When these celebrity mothers and fathers who know damn well how deep the pedophilia goes start talking about it instead of focusing solely on adult abuse - then maybe we'll see some real sincerity and change. Right now we are seeing an industry of PR and image trying to take control of the narrative so that it doesn't get out of control. #TimesUp is practically trying to suppress the very movement it purports to champion.

Part 2:

Since starting to write my initial thoughts on how Pedowood, I mean Hollywood, is handling the abuse scandals, my re acquaintance with CDAN has truly felt meant to be. The stories that Enty has been dropping in the last week are bombshell tips on some heinous crimes that extend far beyond the reach of the typical casting couch assault.

Here are some nuggets for my fellow followers of the deeper corruption that pervades our society. This is #pedogate #pizzagate #deepstate

The Church's New Investment

The Church's Money

That was interesting to read after seeing this video surface on twitter of Red Cross supply boxes filled with cash days prior:


I pray everyday that our society wakes up to this filth sooner rather than later.


Maynard and Tool summed it up pretty damn well over 20 years ago...

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your Prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car

It's a
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away
Any fucking time, any fucking day
Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay

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