The world is upside down. The rise of liberal violence in the name of Political Correctness

  I’m not an “old man” but I’m certainly not a young man. I don’t consider myself a wise man, nor a particularly smart man, but I do obtain a certain amount of common sense, even if it’s minimal. 

I’m cutting the damn cable after this month. The only thing I turn on is the hunting channel, which is always a thrill, or a stupid news channel…and I pay for this?   

I can get the hunting shows on youtube, and I’m tired of being pissed off watching what’s supposed to be a “free” press, being several propaganda networks who’s executives fail to even realize that presenting “narratives” and “opinions” rather than facts does not constitutes news…  

  What irritates me more, are the people, some of which are in my direct circle, that listen to this garbage, or better yet, get their news from twitter feed, even though most of what’s being reported is in the public record, but don’t expect anyone that gets their news that way to actually look at facts that are readily available to them…  

  That being said, let’s look what’s going on in Hamburg, Germany. It’s like Ferguson and Baltimore combined, and expanded 10 times. We’ve had reports in all three cities that the protesters are PAID protesters.   

  These people are no different than the Brown Shirts of NAZI, or Blackwater in New Orleans when the Feds conducted their first gun confiscation experiment in America.  

  I read today that Angela Merkel claimes that Islam is “not the source of terrorism” and that Islamophobia from the West drives them to violence. Of course, I’ve also seen videos of her dancing in a bathing suit at a pool party , not a pretty sight, and I have to assume that hallucinogenic drugs might have been involved….    

Just for your reference, Islamaphobia assumes that one would be in "fear" of Islam or Muslims....or homophobia is the fear of gays...well, I'm here to let you know, I'm not scared of either, and they don't have to be scared of me...unless they step into my space and threaten MY lifestyle...

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