Differences in news sources. I've suspected, but I was only guessing.

I was reading the third post from @newsagg today that gathers news from various sources and combines them into a single post. I haven't detected a bias yet other than perhaps the fact they have it broken into three sections Alternative Media, Mainstream Media, and then Steem #News. Is that a bias? It is hard to say. Judging from the footer this does not seem to be the case.

However, this feed became useful to me today. It was one of those days I was not really sure what I wanted to write about. Nothing was really calling out to me. Then I looked this feed over. Gathering things together you can start to notice potential patterns. I hope that they continue to post these daily as they have been so far as it will give us something to look back at and see if there is indeed a pattern. Three days worth is not enough to say for certain, but I suspect we will see one as I've been noticing it for many months now.

The difference between Alternative Media and Mainstream Media is noticeable though there definitely is some overlap. It is kind of refreshing to read through all of that we are normally subjected to and then hit the Steem #News section. Things seem to change a lot once we hit that news section. The topics become more diverse and to me interesting, though it is still a bit heavy on the crypto side of things for my personal taste. I do like to know some crypto news, but we can get swamped in it.

Which brings me to what I noticed and wanted to write about as I read that... Propaganda... Yes, I've written about propaganda before.


I noticed that while the alternative news was talking about some Trump related things they actually covered more topics on this Sunday. The Mainstream Media on the other hand is still fixated on Trump and Russia. They might throw in an "oh by the way" as a side story, but that is how they feel to me. I've listened to mainstream media my entire life, though I have not trusted them for a very long time. Lately, I find I am getting angry not at the targets they would like me to get angry at. I am getting angry at the clear obvious agenda and drivel. I am getting angry at the no longer even subtle attempts to force people to believe things.

Russia this, Russia that, everywhere I turn its somewhere Russia shat.

Source: giphy.com

Trump Russia Trump Russia Trump Russia Alex Jones Russia Anyone who talks to Russians Russia if your a U.S. citizen formerly from Russia then Russia. If you have relatives in Russia that you talk to, it's more Russia.

Source: giphy.com

What is worse is some people are still buying into this overt propaganda. To me it is like I am watching CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, New York Times, Reuters, and the rest of mainstream media walking around on a football pitch and they keep bumping into each other as they stare at the ground where the goal is at. "Damn! No proof, no evidence! Damn Russia!" and then they pick up the goal post in some chaotic clumsy fashion and move it somewhere else on the field. They stop there and stare at the ground "Nothing here either, How about over there?" They move the goal post again. Still they find nothing. They make a lot of claims, and they make a lot of assumptions yet they still have not produced evidence. The so-called evidence they have pushed all over the place actually makes OTHER people look bad if you truly look into it. Not their intended. Yet they will ignore actual evidence as they don't actually give a damn about the truth or facts. They only have one vision. They are fixated on Trump, and Russia. Even if there is nothing there they will keep looking.

Source: giphy.com

Because they can't seem to find anything REAL they keep moving the goal post and they will spin any little made up thing they can to make it look like there is some damning Russian Trump connection. In reality, they've found less of a connection with him than any NORMAL previous president, because he's actually been unable to talk to them as much post election as a leader should and normally would due to the witch hunt... snipe hunt... fairy tale entrance hunt...

Source: giphy.com

Yes, the so obvious agenda is making me dislike the mainstream media more and more. I am at the point now where I do not see the entities as actually doing much of a service to the public. When you can make up #fakenews and push it as legit that should be a problem. In fact, I believe it is. Unlike the National Inquirer and other fanciful rags that do indicate they may not be the truth, the mainstream media is these days often putting those sources to shame with the crazy stories they fixate on. It is a sad day when The Onion can prove to be more accurate than the mainstream media.

Source: giphy.com

I also include celebrities as part of this problem. They are being roped into pushing this narrative.... Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia.... How can we expect to get anything done if we are focusing on phantoms and imaginary villains? The answer is we cannot. Some people are thinking that may be the ultimate purpose. Stall until those that didn't get their way can get back into power. They don't get that the world and the mind is shifting...

Source: giphy.com

There is a great war going on RIGHT now and you are part of it whether you want to be or not. That war is for your mind. Some would like to shape it and force you into their desired mold. Others would like to free your mind and have you revel in who you are and your own unique interests. These two ideas cannot coexist. The problem is many of those that are fitting into the mold don't know that they are. They think they are the one advocating freedom, and missing their actions to shut down free speech. They think they are against violence, while they are calling for violence, assassination, genocide, etc.

Source: giphy.com - Movie: Scanners

The war is on. Which side are you on?

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