The ever evolving dumb haircuts of Trey Gowdy

Don't get the wrong idea and think that I am bashing Trey Gowdy. I think that he was one of the only productive members of Congress for the 8 years that he spent there. He certainly could have stuck around for longer but was kind of fed up with the job and wanted to move on to other things. He had toyed with the idea of going back into law and was one of those being considered for Attorney General of both his state and the perhaps even the nation. He has since moved on to being a television personality and political pundit for conservative sources (obviously) and financially speaking, that was probably a wise move. What might not be a wise move, is what he has been doing with his mop on top.


I get it, you are getting older. Gowdy is in his mid 50's and like a lot of us poor saps in the same boat, he has difficulty accepting the fact that we all get older. He has male-pattern baldness and has attempted to compensate for this in a variety of ways throughout the years with, dare I say, mixed results.


When I look at the above Gowdy-chart there is no doubt in my mind that number 6 is the worst but I have a difficult time choosing what I consider to be the best. I suppose if i was forced I would go with 3. How about you? They are all pretty bad for different reasons.

I am losing my hair slowly but surely as well and any time that I attempt to brush it this way or that in an effort to cover the gradually diminishing returns I am getting in the middle of my noggin fails and is pretty evident to anyone that bothers to look. I stopped trying to do it because throughout time, anyone who has attempted to do some sort of comb-over looks like an asshole and isn't fooling anyone except maybe the person looking back at them in the mirror.

When I first saw his new look, which is very popular these days among the thinning hair crowd, I thought right away that he resembled Anderson Cooper


But i think that there is actually a very good chance that Gowdy's spiked to the side with the sides shaved to create the illusion of a full head of hair by eliminating the part of his hair that actually still is thick (the sides) is overcompensation and I don't know whose idea it was, but he looks like the someone who would be in a prequel of a movie about the ruling class in Hunger Games. We just need to get him some absurd accessories such as a really small hat on the side of his head.

For 56 years old, Gowdy isn't doing too bad but we can all tell that he is definitely trying REALLY HARD to remain youthful and almost certainly is engaged in using botox to make all of his age lines magically disappear later in life. There is no law against this so i say go for it. This doesn't mean that I can't make fun of him a bit for what I believe to be overcompensating with his hair though.


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