Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots #62: "We will enforce federal law, defend free speech, and protect students’ free expression"--Sessions

“Starting today, the Department of Justice will do its part in this struggle. We will enforce federal law, defend free speech, and protect students’ free expression from whatever end of the political spectrum it may come.” --Unite State Attorney General Jeff Sessions

The Ultimate Safe Space

Ensuring First Amendment Rights Long Overdue,”

Great news out of Washington on tuesday, as Attorney General Sessions announced that the Justice Department will now take an active interest in free speech suppression on American college campuses. It would appear that the tyrannical dominence long enjoyed by the alt-left is about to come to an end.

“The American university was once the center of academic freedom—a place of robust debate, a forum for the competition of ideas,” Sessions said. “But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”

Sessions spoke before the Georgetown University Law Center, declaring freedom of thought and speech is “under attack.” This, as one might expect, did not sit well with thirty of Georgetown's law professors, who jointly signed a letter calling Sessions a hypocrite. No urine-filled balloons for them, thank goodness, just gratuitous progressive insults.

Dig out the popcorn, Martha, because this academic year is about to discover what happens when the First Amendment is ignored and insulted.

Looking At Both Sides Now is Racist?

The College Conservatives at Michigan's Albion College are now the subjects of The Snowflake Smear as the alt-lefties' heads exploded when it was discovered that (gasp!) the dastardly conservatives prepared not one, not three, but two talking points on white privilege. Worse yet, some of the remarks included came from the Evil Personified Ben "Racist Monster" Shapiro.

Shapiro regularly terrorizes Snowflakes by making them look unbelievably shallow - and stupid - and routinely generates Shredded Snowflake during his lectures.

Shapiro's presentations are so logical, so fact-based, that snowflakes have rioted to prevent him from saying something that they might accidently hear or read, like "The only color that capitalism cares about is green.:

The conservative talking points included comments such as "Statistical disparity does NOT mean discrimination," "The only color that capitalism cares about is green. Not black, white, or what have you," and "Liberals will make up their own subjective truths to their own convenience to prove you wrong. Their personal truths are not THE truth. There is only the truth and bullshit."

Can we have a LOL?

Shapiro is upsetting Utah snowflakes, too. He is, after all, an equal-oppportunity conservative, and John Sexton reminds us what snowflakes think of conservatives:

The far left only has one mode these days: shout down their opponents. With conservative author Ben Shapiro headed to the University of Utah for a speech, the far left has already announced its plans to shut him down.

I just love watching idiotic snowflakes gnashing their teeth and wailing into the wind: “People like Ben Shapiro are the most dangerous on this earth, and we we are going to fight him tomorrow aren’t we.” The "most dangerous on earch"? The snowflake who vomited that nonsense isn't concerned about Kim Jung Fatso, or Islamic extremists, but one conservative, orthodox Jew scares the hell out of him. You can't make this sh*t up.

MAGA Hats Support Genocide?

As to the question of just how stupid are they, I thank Anthony Gockowski for this video and present it without further comment:

Stamping Out Them Evil White People
Penn State-Brandywine Professor Angela Putman has come to the unpleasant realization that the “white” ideologies of “meritocracy” and “hard work” are alarmingly prevalent in her students. She would like to see those concepts erased as well along with the idea of the power of the individual.

This bigoted alt-left hatemonger is paid for her racism, and by PennState no less (Twitter: @PSUBrandywine)! She insists the belief that everyone has a fair shot at achievement is a little white lie:

She wants these whiteness myths to be destroyed by professors because they are harmful. The professor called for re-education.
Stalin, Mao and Hitler had those kinds of re-education camps too!

Penn State-Brandywine Professor Angela Putman

Work Cited

Background Reading

Ken McVay OBC
@dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon

"Madison believed that those who sought to restrict speech revealed themselves to be opponents of republicanism. They wished to prevent public opinion from cohering, thus making it easier to counterfeit."--Jay Cost

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