Is the War on Terror Still Going On?

The war on terror has been ongoing for decades and has cost billions of dollars. Too many lives have been lost along the way as well. Some have questioned whether or not the U.S. would ever be held accountable for its actions when it comes to the war on terror. Some have forgotten about the battle altogether because the media isn't focusing on it regularly any longer.

Out of sight out of mind.

This doesn't mean that there aren't families impacted still on either side of the conflict. It seems the war continues to be waged and encompass more areas around the world. Is this war going to be endless? Who benefits with a multi-decade war? Already it's been alleged that the conflict has cost around 1 million lives or more, others estimated perhaps half a million or more. What reward was secured with all of that conflict that was perpetuated?


Some reports have suggested that the lost lives could be even higher, much higher. As well, the cost is also alleged to be somewhere in the trillions. Every hour that it continues means tens of millions more being spent. Is this the best use of resources?

It seems that foreign policy though doesn't seem to be a top priority these days with many voters and others, not as much as issues like immigration, inflation, crime, and health services, among other concerns.

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