More than 500 Twitter accounts were suspended due to violence in the capital

"More than 500 Twitter accounts were suspended due to violence in the capital".

More than 500 Twitter accounts were suspended due to violence in the capital


Violence erupted in the capital on Republic Day, shutting down more than 500 Twitter accounts. The reason for shutting down so many Twitter accounts is that the Twitter platform is used to spread this kind of violence.

India's Capitol Hill joked that the New Delhi incident would not lag far behind the violence shown in Washington, USA On the Republic Day, the whole country will witness the ups and downs of the capital centered on the peasant movement.

Because there has never been a fiery situation in the country before. There have been horrific incidents like stick charges, tear gas, stone rain. Donald Trump's Twitter account was completely shut down for allegedly inciting American violence.

This time on the Republic Day in Delhi, 500 Twitter accounts have been suspended due to this violent incident. A spokesman for Micro Blogging said: "We want to stop all attempts to incite violence, abuse, intimidation, so we have seen in the past that Twitter platforms have been used to spread such incidents."

In fact, in today's age of information technology, violence is not limited to villages, towns and streets. In the age of social media, this kind of violence and unrest is multiplied through various micro-blogging.


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