Ted Nugent: Everything You Need to Know and Why It Matters

I'll be honest, I have never really looked into this man, I have heard lots about him, but never really heard what he had to say in depth. Never heard him explain his thought process, talk about his background and why he acts and behaves the way he does.

I think its very easy to dismiss what he says if the listener doesn't pay attention to what is actually being said and the real message behind his words.

Ted is an avid hunter, famous musician, father and earth lover. Now his actions might be different than the way a vegan loves earth, sure, but what he does also has the earth and its creatures in mind.

I strongly recommend everyone to give a listen to his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience (link below).

Many topics are discussed such as free speech, government over stepping its bounds, why hunting if done in a humane logical way just makes sense, proper dieting, proper mindset and generally lots of great information to live ones life by.

Thank you and hope you find something interesting to speculate on.

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