Presidential elections in Venezuela: Maduro already has the clowns of his electoral circus

Those who ran will only follow the "game" to the regime to try to legitimize an election without democratic guarantees, because whoever gets elected will not be recognized in more than 50 countries of the world.

The fraudulent presidential elections in Venezuela already have a comparsa of six candidates, chavistas and willing to participate in a race in which Nicolás Maduro will imminently win.

Already the international community spoke out; from the Lima Group, made up of 14 countries, through the United States, the Venezuelan church and the European Union, they have said that they do not recognize the electoral convocation, for which they would not recognize the results, whoever the winner is.

Those who ran then will only follow the "game" to the regime to try to legitimize an election without democratic guarantees, because whoever gets elected will not be recognized in more than 50 countries of the world.

It should be noted that the CNE decided to extend the registration period for candidates by 48 hours, since the regime seeks more applicants who participate in said "electoral carnival".

Los candidatos

As expected, the candidates who ran are all of dubious credibility and worse reputation; all linked to chavismo or failing in impunity corruption cases. In fact, one in particular has just lost in the fraudulent regional elections and still insists on running.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that they will lose the elections before Nicolás Maduro; and that the majority of the population will not participate in the elections.

Nicolas Máduro: Maduro is the dictator of Venezuela and became president after Hugo Chávez appointed him as his successor before his death and granted him the position of vice president. From 2006 to 2013 he served as Foreign Affairs Minister, and subsequently won the presidential elections that were disputed with his opponent Henrique Capriles Radonski.

In spite of the fact that the Constitution of Venezuela establishes that to be president you have to be Venezuelan and not have another nationality; Maduro has not yet been able to show his birth certificate to deny that he is Colombian.

His candidacy is supported by the newly created "Somos Venezuela" party, by the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv), and the cluster of 10 Chavez conglomerate parties in the Great Patriotic Pole.

During the 6 years he has commanded the country, Maduro managed to turn Venezuela into the country with the most insecure cities in the world, the lowest wages in the region, the highest inflation in the world and a shortage of food and medicines that exceed the 90% He achieved a crisis in Venezuela that resembles that of a country at war.

According to the polls, the popularity level of the dictator is only 20%, but his victory will be imminent after all the traps imposed and facilitated by the CNE in his favor.

Henri Falcón: Falcón is popularly described as "Henri Falsón"; It has been characterized by "jumping the talanquera" in the political arena on several occasions. He was a Chavez official and a member of Hugo Chávez's party; won with the PSUV the governorship of Lara state in the Central region of the country.

He left the ranks of the PSUV in 2010 to join the ranks of Patria Para Todos political force. With that movement he joined, surprisingly, with the Mesa de la Unidad Democrática in 2011 to support the candidate who would confront Hugo Chávez in the presidential elections of 2012.

Now, he is again separating himself from the MUD to run for an election where he has all the loses.

It should be noted that the exchavista left to be governor in October 2017, when he ran for re-election and lost to ex-minister Carmen Meléndez, in elections plagued by proven fraud.

Francisco Visconti: He is a leader of the Frente Amplio Nacional Bolivariano, said he defends a "Bolivarian project", but not the one led by the current government of Nicolás Maduro.

Visconti is a retired soldier and participated in the coup attempts of February 4 and November 27, 1992, together with the late President Hugo Chávez.

In 1995, the retired military man was a candidate for the Governorate of the state of Aragua; in 1999 he was a member of the National Constituent Assembly as representative of the Barinas state; and in the year 2000 he was a candidate for the Governorship of the same entity.

Javier Bertucci: Bertucci is the leader and creator of the Maranatha Church in Venezuela and director of El Evangelio Cambia, a Civil Association of a social nature, formed mainly by young people. In addition, he is currently part of the board of directors of at least three companies dedicated to the construction, sale of goods and services.

Bertucci is a man who says he has "dedicated his life to the Lord", but he is also one of the many Venezuelans that appears in the controversial journalistic investigation, known as Panama Papers.

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