Venezuela: People with disabilities call for a concentration demanding their human rights be respected (Photography)

8.ManifestaciónDDHH.250617.jpg Photo by Rosalinda Reyes

People with disabilities raise their voice and invite the civil society to a concentration demanding PWDs’ Human Rights be respected.  Such activity was attended on, June 25, 2017 at noon at the Plaza Alfredo Sadel, Las Mercedes, Municipality of Baruta, Caracas, Venezuela.

The serious political, economic and social situation that Venezuelans are currently living, are impacting 8 out of 10 PWDs, who constantly face multiple barriers and find their HHRR violated due to the universal accessibility to transportation, Infrastructure, health care, education, information, communication, lack of proper food, basic needs and supplies, lack of security and indifference. We are demanding justice for the PWDs that are being arrested, injury and the worst case are being murdered in the last 2 months of anti- government protests. Such violations lead them on surviving constant abuses and more importantly, keep them away from the possibility of having an inclusive country.

Pursuant to the last CENSUS ran in 2011, at least 5,38% of the population who responded to the question of deficiency, condition or disability, expressed having, at least, a disability – 1,454,845. - Unfortunately, this group increases day by day, having among other causes: wounds caused by firearms, motorbike accidents and now this number is increasing with young people or students that are taking part in the protest against the government and they are victims of the violence for the abuse of control of the forces security of the Venezuela State.

This reality demands to provide some visibility to the fight and defense of people with disabilities’ HHRR in the country; giving consideration to the fact that the current situation seriously exposes the basic, fundamental rights and a dignified lifestyle they should be able to count on.

For these reasons, PWDs call for your attention and hope that more voices are raised in this demand. We extend this invitation to the international community and It will be an honor that you be part of our voice. Venezuela needs from all of us.

Click and see the photo gallery by Rosalinda Reyes

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