Jeff Sessions and the feds are ramping up to steal your stuff. Private property rights be damned!!

Once in America, we had a presumption of innocence. Now all it takes is the feds having a 'suspicion' for them to steal your stuff.

While the MSM is focusing on the Russian collusion non-issue, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is working to modify the civil forfeiture process, in a way that will effectively remove your presumption of innocence.  The fed's will get new tyrannical powers.  They will have the power to take your stuff, under the guise that "the money" was guilty. We don't need to live in a country where the feds have that power. Presumption of innocence and private property rights are critical differences between America and every socialist paradise you have ever known and loved, including Venezuela, Cuba, and China. Let's keep those important differences in place. 

But unfortunately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to steal from you. He calls it “civil forfeiture.” But what it is, is theft by the law enforcement agencies. Sessions should be ashamed. Under “civil forfeiture,” law enforcement can take property from people under the legal fiction that the property itself is guilty of a crime. It was originally sold as a tool for going after the assets of drug kingpins, but nowadays it seems to be used against a lot of ordinary Americans who just have things that law enforcement wants. It’s also a way for law enforcement agencies to maintain off-budget slush funds, thus escaping scrutiny.

Getting close to the point that I won't be able to convince myself to give Trump the benefit of the doubt much longer.  We need to drain the swamp in Washington. And we need a change agent like Trump to get that done. But this new push by Sessions is going in the wrong direction. How many more civil rights should we have to lose, just to give time for Trump to finish the swamp draining that is so badly needed?

Trump may end up as a one term president, based on the stupid stuff he lets his direct reports in his cabinet get away with.

Please upvote if you found the post interesting.  Please upvote if just found out about the feds push on Civil Forfeiture laws, under which you will no longer have the presumption of innocence, and private property laws will not apply to your stuff, if the feds decide they want to take your stuff.



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