Syria, what doesn't make sense

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To remind ourselves, on 7 April 2018 in Douma Syria, the chemical attack happened. Where about 70 people died. In response to this USA, UK and France launched a missile strike on 3 targets in Syria. Which according to US government was successful. While at same time relations with Russia are the worst ever even including cold war.

Interesting this chemical attack happened just after Donald Trump was saying that it's going to pull out of Syria, which is the same thing as exactly a year ago to the month. The same scenario. For which Mattis in February admitted that they don't have any evidence that this attack was committed by the Syrian government. And now this supposed chemical attack happens again, and they launch missiles strikes without any evidence that this was committed by the Syrian government or that even wasn't staged. We know that terrorists in Syria used chemical weapons at least 52 times. Launched the missiles a day before the OPCW arrived in Douma on a fact-finding mission. How can they make a decision like this without any evidence and attack Syrian government, this could be perfect for terrorists and rebels, all they have to do is stage another chemical attack and they are going to get military support from the west without any investigation. And all three governments launched the missiles without congress and parliaments approvals. Most people were againts missiles launchs.

Why would he use chemical weapons if he was winning. Just after Donald Trump was announcing that his gonna pull out of Syria. Which was the same scenario from last year, when the USA announced that regime change in Syria was no longer their goal and shortly after he supposedly uses chemical weapons. And then the USA fired 59 tomahawk missiles at the military base of the Syrian government. And the year goes by, he didn't use any chemical weapons, just as he is at the brink of victory, Donald Trump is saying that he is gonna pull out of Syria, decides to use chemical weapons again. Also worth mentioning, the Syrian government has gotten rid of its chemical weapons in 2014, where 7 countries participated in this mission. Thought its possible that they have it still, but good to keep this in mind.

While the corporate media is very pro-war in this, going as far as calling anybody who was against this an anti-semitic. There was no lack of articles why we should invade Syria, and we shouldn't worry we would win a war with Russia. All political parties across different countries on the west were also saying the same thing. The media job should be to question this not help bring it about.

They are going as far as to risk world war 3 with Russia. While Russia at the same time said that it has evidence that this attack was staged.

Regime changes in Iraq and Lybia were a disaster, cost billions of dollars, the life of hundreds of thousands of people, where now they are hot bads for terrorist and in Lybia, there are open slave markets. The reasons why we attack these countries were all based on a lie. They are much worse then they were before. With WMD in Iraq which we now know were a lie, Lybia his killing it's on people and now saying the same thing for Syria.

Al Qaeda which was a big boggy man for many years for America and fighting them in those years. They are now one of the moderate rebels which we support.

One of the big reasons why we must go into Syria is for the children, civilians that died in supposed chemical attacks by the Syrian government so they say. But the USA themselves seem not care much for civilian casualties, using chemical weapons themselves, white phosphorus. Why don't they care about Yemen then, where chemical weapons were used on civilians. Assad is a cruel dictator they tell us, but why do they support Saudia Arabia then.

I don't wanna defend Assad, if he didn't use chemical weapons, he still is a dictator, cruel or not. But in the current situation for people in Syria, it's better if we leave it alone. With the 7-year war coming to an end, finally, they can have peace, rebuild there country. With invasion, a war would be prolonged for possibly many years killing tens of thousands of people at least, leaving many more cities in ruins and possible could lead to world war 3, killing millions, maybe even billions of people, for what. With Lybia and Iraq was a catastrophe, brought many more evils than good with regime change. With military still present today. This is not gonna be any different. We still don't know if he used a chemical weapon.

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